Sunday, March 29, 2015


After writing my first blog post in months the other day something very strange happened, I felt a little shift in my brain like a switch was turned back on.  Suddenly I was very motivated and organized in a way I haven't been for months.

The packed up Christmas decorations sitting in a corner of the living room finally got repacked so the tops would fit properly on the containers and they found a new home in the basement until next winter, (about time I say), and there was an ongoing run of thoughts in my head - some random and some not so random.

I noticed it more at bedtime.  We were watching television and I was really sleepy until the television was shut off and then my brain went into overdrive, something which hasn't occurred in months that was a regular feature of "me".  I had to get up out of bed and go downstairs and talk with my son and regroup after that I was able to sleep.

In the morning I woke up early, too early to get up and between 6 a.m. and 7:45 as I dozed on and off I mentally figured out (what else) a semi new arrangement for the living room and how I was going to fit a piano into the decor.

I also began thinking about May's ArtWalk ~ and the need to get organized and pull it together and send out requests from the Artists.  While I was at it I thought of two more months worth of possible shows.  The timing couldn't have been better since we later received a message that the info was needed by the first of April!

It is really interesting to see and feel these things occurring.  I don;t really think that I could have gone another few days, weeks or months without a computer and writing, no matter how much I tried to convince myself that I wasn't stressed out or bothered by not writing I was lying to myself.

Writing for me is necessary.  It helps me process and sort through the experiences and thoughts that I have.  I never realized before this experience how important it is for my overall survival.  I felt myself closing down and returning to my introverted self, the longer it lasted the quieter I was getting and if you know me ~ quiet is not a good state for me.

I can't wait to get back into exploring what my brain has to share through my writing and I really was pleased that you all continue to read and comment after such a long time away, for that I thank you ~ I do feel really blessed!

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