Sunday, April 12, 2015


Spring was in the air today, undeniably so.  I got to go outside in just a sweater, ride in the car with the window down and sit outside at the cafe as I drank my pot of tea, read the final two pages of
Tolstoi and smoked my cigarettes before walking around Lenox and checking out the Whit Gallery.

When I returned home my son was awake and hungry during the day, awake during the day is the real miracle, awake and hungry at 2:30 in the afternoon two miracles simultaneously!!  So I called in our once a month treat - Chinese Take Out.

Since spring was in the air I decided to hydrate the pods for the seeds we had purchased during the week and get the seeds started.  I was almost finished when the food arrived.  I didn't realize that I was even hungry until I smelled the delicious aroma coming from the double bagged parcel.

The day was full of unexpected treats, and I consider a highly motivated day full of accomplishments the biggest treat of all.  Earlier in the day I had sorted out that stack, ladies and gentlemen, deny it if you will but you have one too, that stack of coats, slacks, skirts and tops in a heap waiting to be put back in the closet or into the dry cleaning or (laundry pile).

It was a most satisfying feeling to manage that mess to be sure.  Since I was a teenager (except the 8 years I lived in the country) I changed my clothes a few times a day.  Getting dressed in the morning for school, coming home and getting into comfortable clothes to do homework, clean the house, ride the bike or take a walk in the woods or to the park, change again after dinner to go hang out in the Park, Downtown or wherever the night took us.

It seems some things never change, (ha, ha, except me and my clothes!)  I digress.  So that pile is gone and hopefully the need for winter coats and sweaters, although, living in the Northeastern United States one can never get rid of the sweaters, it could snow in April (which it did last Sunday) and the temperatures could plummet overnight (which they do regularly!)

That is another days task, switching over the seasonal clothes and I need more than one nice day in a row to believe it is time for that chore!  But I did manage to wash all those black clothes that need to be washed with "like" colours and two other loads of laundry in between everything else.

My son and I have been watching "How I Met Your Mother" starting at the beginning and we made it to the final season today!  We actually saw the "Mother"!  I am a little sad that we made it to the final season.  It was a good series so far.  I hate when good shows end!

After "HIMYM"  I decided to bring all of my plants downstairs and give them a good run of water and some new soil and prune the ones that needed it.  I have gotten quite a collection of houseplants between the Avocados ( I am up to two), I have three pineapple plants going now and the one I need to put in soil has finally grown some new leaves in the center (always a positive sign!)

My spider plant from two years ago is huge and needs to find a place to hang.  I have been rooting shooters and will have more Spider Plants than I can handle I am sure!  Diane's Aloe Plant is doing amazing.  It is the first Aloe I haven't killed in my life.

Even the Orchid I bought a couple of months ago is doing amazing.  I know it is because my room was no less than 80 % all winter, despite having the radiator off, the fan going almost 24/7, with the heat set at 68 so my neighbor doesn't get cold and complain.  I will be glad when winter is over and I don't have to worry about the heat!

"Game of Thrones" begins tonight in less than 38 minutes and counting.  We have been anxiously waiting for this night for a while.  I did not prep Richard so he is going into it from now and then we are going to backtrack ~ big mistake I know, there is too much of a back story which is important.

Since I finished the Tolstoi I decided to read another Dostoevsky book which I took a peek at for a minute but haven't finished the intro yet, but I did jump ahead and read a page and a half of the story. To me that is cheating, so I have to go read the back story before I get into the main story.

My time is running out, I have two more tasks before GOT and just enough time to get them done and not miss a second of the show.

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