Monday, May 30, 2016


As my grand daughter said, I have many hobbies and one of my winter projects was taking the one runt green pepper plant that survived the year of the hate garden as I am now naming it.  As you know, nothing grows from hate - this little leftover plant that survived is testament of what happens when you turn that hate back into love.

My bedroom is on the second floor of the apartment I rent.  The upstairs is so hot, even without the radiator turned on that I have to have a fan going just to be able to sleep.  I can't open the window because it is the home of all of my plants that need to be kept warm in the winter, and for some reason air doesn't draft in on its own.

If you have read any of my blogs, you may recall that I enjoy trying new things,and besides the pepper plant I have rooted and potted two pineapple plants in dirt.  I have another ready to go into dirt and a fourth which I am rooting and will not be ready for dirt for about a year.  I hear that it is tricky and I have learned a couple of tricks by trial and error to make these happen.

I have one for each year that my son has been married to his wife and since it takes seven years before you get a fruit (if you are lucky) the first one should spit one out when my nine year old grand daughter is a senior in high school.  I grow them for her, she loves pineapple.  I hope that when I am gone she will still have the first pineapple plant that we planted.

Another thing I have been experimenting with are avocados - to have the patience to get a pit to root and get it to survive to the dirt stage is tricky.  I have managed to grow three to date - the one I planted last fall spit out a twin - I doubt we will ever get a fruit off of it, but they are very pretty little trees and I can't wait to see them develop either!

All winter I water and nurse these and a few aloe, spider and one orchid which I finally got one of those air roots after a year of waiting - not sure how long those take to grow and spit out flowers - fingers crossed!

My little runt of a pepper plant with nice sunlight lived among the others, growing from one container into another - growing strong - flowering and already a pepper I did pick in the beginning of May!!!  It is now in a big container and is a big bush which encountered it's first rainstorm this evening and is still doing well!

It gave me hope to plant some other seeds and soon I had 8 green bean plants which inspired me to grow the jalapeno seeds, which should be big enough to put in there own little pots soon enough, now that the Sun has blessed us with it's warmth and light!

I thought books took up much room - plants take up more!  I have acquired two more aloe and a nice fuzzy succulents and a rubber tree plant, along with a fern type plant as well.  My spider plants are not only spitting out babies, they also have split and the three pots each have 2 to 4 plants which need to be potted - gardening takes up a couple of hours of time a day, which makes me feel really good.

With any luck we will be eating veggies all year since I decided to grow in containers and if I have anything to say about it WILL maintain a few of these plants as long as they will bear me fruit - who knows?!?  My bedroom is a green house any way - so to speak.

Here is to gardening, science and green thumbs, and oh yeah the glorious Sun!!

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