Wednesday, September 19, 2012

I was a happy little girl.  These are a couple of my friends when I was a Brownie.  I have very distant memories of these days but remember the happiness well.  When I was in third grade we moved away from my friends, in the same city, but it was a world or two away from the life that I had with my Mom and Dad and younger brother.

My friend Regina shared this picture with me when we reconnected as adults after not seeing each other for a long time.  She was my best friend, along with Sherman Austin, who lived next door to me.

I didn't even realize that Janice and I were in Brownies together until this photo and my spotty memory.  I wish I had known through Junior High and High School cuz we knew each other - I worry that she thinks I was just a snob instead of a person with a memory problem- along with most of the people that got erased from my brain!

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