Finally! Time on the computer in a quiet house and an urge to write. Since my computer has been down for I don't know how long anymore it has been a challenge to have the urge to write while I have access to the computer.
It seems so long ago and truly far away since the days that I wrote every single day without fail. With life's challenges and distractions getting in the way here and there. Lately I have been recovering from my surgery and over the past few days have been feeling better than ever.
I am managing to get through days without pain medication, muscle relaxers and even my neck collar for support. I haven't begun to over do it yet and throw myself into a bad place health wise, despite having the desire to do more around the house. I am waiting for the all clear from my surgeon.
The incision is healing and I have a less frightening mark on the back of my neck as was confirmed the other day via photograph since I can't see the back of my neck any other way. I know that when my fingers trace over the incision it feels totally repulsive to me so the photo helped a little bit (very little) to reassure me that is less horrible than my fingers lead me to believe.
I am looking forward to my first overnight in a while with my sweet granddaughter. I cannot wait for Friday!!! It has been too long with time passing much too quickly into the winter cold and snow. Our playground time past for yet another season with the prospect of a revised new playground with a wading pool ~ I for one cannot wait for spring to see how this huge project in the Common pans out.
I walked through the other day for the first time in a couple of months having been spoiled with rides everywhere I need to go. The sidewalks are being put down and actually run into each other again. The basketball court moved, a new gazebo and a stage, along with a new bathroom ~ it does look promising. Time will tell.
I have been keeping busy with cooking. Last week I made a few major things at once ~ Crock Pot Turkey Chili and a nice Italian Pasta sauce and another Chicken Soup. One thing I love when the weather gets cold is to fill the house with the warmth and fragrance of food. Cooking for me is also a low energy activity. With less computer time I don't mind spending the time chopping, sauteing and simmering food, especially with people around to appreciate it.
I had been a little bothered by the fact that my little writing voice seemed to be quiet. I can't remember the last time that I didn't have constant thoughts and chatter running through my head be it an idea, a worry or writing a mental list of all of the stuff I feel I need to do.
It made me look at the past couple of months to evaluate what has been going on. Should I be worried? No ~ I realized everything (or just about) is A-O-K. I had been so worried waiting for my unexpected surgery and had been running on some kind of nervous energy, followed by the relief of surgery and the painful recovery and a calmness following that. Life is good.
Waking up each day this week I have felt not pain but the absence of pain. That is not to say that I don't feel it as the day progresses, at which time I take a little time out lie down and watch t.v. or read and let those muscles relax, sometimes having to resort to wearing the neck brace but mostly not, I am glad I made the call and got evaluated by a doctor I trust.
I got out Friday evening to enjoy my First Friday ArtWalk and found myself a bit disappointed at the lack of participation with only a half a dozen artists showing their work ~ most of whom I had never seen or heard of before, with some stores closed earlier than the scheduled time and the streets mostly deserted I got a feeling that things were just not right in the city of Pittsfield.
When I went into the NU Arts Studio's and there were only four or five artists in attendance it really felt like a change was in the air. When the Lichtenstein Center for the Arts was closed down and lights off even though they were on the Map and supposed to be open I really began to worry.
My spirits were lifted when I arrived at the Whitney Center for the Arts where their was Art on the walls and people in attendance for the After ArtWalk Gathering I felt better once I had a glass of wine in hand ( my first since surgery since I wasn't taking meds).
I had a fun time chatting with the girl who makes the ArtWalk Maps and learning there was also a Newsletter. After securing assurances from her that this was just a fluke (no art and no people on the streets) I felt better ~ or it could have just been the wine!
I felt I was in the right place and learned that Wednesday evening there was a big to do coming to the Whitney Center for the Arts . Ghazi, the director was so excited about having Stephanie Abrams Malachy Mc Court and Sandra Howell for a Talking Books @ the Whitney Center.
All three writers will be in attendance with Stephanie Abrams leading the panel discussion with the writers. I have not read any of the books and that is the lovely part ~ it is not a book club kind of thing, but an opportunity to meet, greet and ask questions from these three published authors.
As a fan of writing and as a writer of reviews for the Whitney I for one am eager to learn from other writers their process and experiences. The event is open to the public and FREE (unless you want to buy a book that is). Check out the link and maybe I will see you there!
That will begin my weekend a bit early followed by my sleepover with my Monkey Girl and then another great musical performance on Saturday at the Whitney with Ron Ramsay and Sam Talora
That should be a full weekend with a semi busy week with a trip to Springfield on the 20th to see my totally awesome and favourite Neurosurgeon. If he was surprised after my two week visit then I should really blow him out of the water with how awesome I have been doing since I last saw him! He didn't become Chief of Neurosurgery by accident ~ he totally deserves it!
Anyway ~ for someone with no little voice buzzing in their head I seemed to have much to say ~ it really had been too long. I will be back just as soon as I can and let you know how these two great events at the Whitney were (if you don't find out for yourselves that is!)
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