Two days into my 48th year and I have come to a huge realization which is that I am glad I had my children young. After spending two days straight with my 7 year old granddaughter I am exhausted! I do not know think that I exerted as much energy raising three boys aged 4 years apart as I have over the course of the 48 or so hours, it has been quite a learning experience as well.
One of my favourite moves "His Girl Friday" 1940 Cary Grant/Rosalind Russell; Directed by Howard Hawks ~ a great Comedy to top off my next year as I write away. You must watch this movie if you like good, clean comedy with a quirky storyline.
The Christmas Tree is up with lights and in the light of the tree and t.v. I write. The lights get a pass and tomorrow I will finish decorating it. I am down to two boxes which I am assuming are the tree decorations and I hope the Santa Sleigh which accompanies the lonely reindeer waiting to take off for their yearly jaunt.
My granddaughter cannot wait for Santa to come. She will be back tomorrow afternoon as planned to spend the night again so she can wake up to her "big" present. She and my youngest son were begging me to give them their presents early ~ each instigating the situation. It was kind of funny to listen to them, although time is long for a 7 year old who is anticipating a big gift and I want the tree to be finished and her present there when she wakes up in the morning.
It was quite a chore putting it together and I am glad it was one of the first things I did to prep for this holiday. It was the most difficult part with three of us working to get it together. I will not say what it is just in case she is psychic but it has been hidden down cellar which is the one place she didn't and wouldn't think to look.
She decorated the two ceramic trees and we set them up on a shelf I cleared and we unpacked a the Nativity as well along with two huge tubs of other decorations ~ Santa's and Snowmen, reindeer angels, bells and wreaths ~ all looking for this years placement. I am looking for time, which is running out ~ but so are the tasks on my lists.
She persuaded us to let her sleep over two nights in a row, which is something she has never done. She was a trooper but missed her Mom at the most random of times. I did pretty good at handling a couple of crying sessions which is something I am not used to, but got smiles and she bounced back to her sweet self.
There is still Gram's stuffing which I have never made, pork to be ground, onions to chop, time to cook. I cannot wait to taste it once again! I can almost smell it as I sit here typing ~ as well as listening to Cary Grant fast talking Rosalind by the glow of the tree.
I thrive on having limited time to do things, it is when I do my best and I am up for this challenge. It seems I am and have been in the thick of it and know I can do it. Add to the mix the physical therapy which is kicking me sideways. Slow and steady wins the race is my new mantra.
It will be a miracle indeed, and I do believe in those so confidence I do have! I am looking forward to having my missing family members around the table on Christmas and have a pretty good meal planned and everyone should be pleased. No one will be leaving the table hungry.
I keep checking my list and cannot think of one thing I have missed, but you never realize you miss something until the second you remember it, knock on wood I will not have any of those situations occur.
The only thing I am most worried about is my physical self which is why I am signing of for now so I can get comfortable and rest up for a full day tomorrow. I am sure it will include the ongoing game of Monopoly with Ainsley ~ it seems I am playing quite the little mogul as she has acquired most of the property and 100 bills which she refuses to trade in for $50. She is very shrewd and lucky! I am tempted to pack the game up and restart it but I know she will expect it to be up and for us to continue it.
The movie is drawing to an end which is very fast and distracting me so I am out but...
~ remember that Christmas is a joyous time and I hope that wherever you are on your lists that you have a great day full of love and surrounded by your family because that is what it is all about and all of the work is worth it!
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