Monday, June 22, 2015


Sunday was Father's Day.  Of course I didn't even consider how or what to do for the "Father's" in my life until 9:00 p.m. on Saturday when I planned the meal in my head, spoke to Thomas about it, called Patrick and his Dad to invite them and the plan was in motion.

The most difficult thing was going to be how to get Dad in the house with the wheelchair, and making the apartment wheel chair accessible for when he was here.  Thomas assured me that between the 5 of us we could handle this task, and he was right!

I woke up on Sunday to put my plan underway.  It was a huge effort to clean and re-arrange the living room, especially taking care not to lift anything too heavy as I am recovering from a pop in my mid back from lifting the wheelchair into the car last week.

I ended up sliding the couches and big bulky chair around and for a change I only  moved the two pieces of furniture once each.  If you have ever re arranged a room you know it usually takes a couple of tries to get it right.

I didn't go crazy moving the t.v. and music and books, nor did I change the pictures around on the walls, all things I want to do, but the time was not there.  It was done enough to suit my purposes. The living room is now open, wheel chair accessible and ready for the Air Mattress when Dad comes to stay.  By the time he arrives I may actually have the room completed!

I realized that Ainsley has a ton of toys and games in my great room and I have an abundance of cookbooks from those trips to Northampton.  I need to re think the set up seriously considering where to put all of them as I am running out of shelve space!\

Between the work in the living room and the kitchen prep I entered the "Dump Zone" which is what my Dining Room is now that Richard is not here and we do not use the dining room each night for meals, only special occasions and Art.

I quickly stacked my piles of piles into one main pile and moved it to the bottom of the stairs which is the next major project after this mad rush of Art Talk and the changing of the Art from June to July begins to be upon me and all which that entails.

I still hadn't gotten in touch with Thomas's Dad so I wasn't sure if it was going to be a meal for 5 or 6, since I cook enough for a small army I wasn't worried.

I had a meeting to show the Assemblage Show to another Curator at 2:00 so I had a time goal.  I arrived at two and Judith and I had spent a wonderful hour talking Art and Life in general.  Two of my favorite subjects.

I got to meet her sweet little dog as well, who waited nicely in the shaded car in it's crate with water and toys.  The sweetest little Cocker/Bishon mix who reminded me of my sweet Leonardo who was a mini terrier poodle.  They have the same coloring, and each have the sweetest faces and smiles!

While I was out I decided to go to the market.  I opted for red potatoes and broccoli to go with my pork roast.  Searched out dessert, finding Rick's favorite Boston Cream Pie and mini cupcakes for the boys.

Of course, I still hadn't confirmed with Rick, but I spotted him outside the Church on North when I was going home and offered up the invitation knowing that he would not pass up a meal at my table. He arrived as I was waking up Thomas - who I needed to help put the master plan of getting my Dad, the Fall Risk into my house.

Rick took the ride with me to get my Dad and I utilized him to put the wheelchair in the car.  Not taking any chances, since it is my big week and I need to be on my toes and able to stand, sit, walk and move without pain.

When we returned with Dad, Thomas was awake and sitting on the stoop.  Dad decided to go up the side stairs with the two railings so while they spotted him I went in the other door and moved a chair nearby so he could sit while we got his chair in the house.  We managed pretty well on the way in for rookies.

He was happy to be in our environment after only being in the Hospital setting for six weeks now. Dad opted for the big over stuffed chair, the t.v. was turned on and Pat and Bruce arrived bearing soft drinks, knowing I only have tea in the house.

The men relaxed while I started the steamed potatoes and broccoli as the roast finished.  The roast smelled fantastic and I realized I was hungry for a change.  Always a good sign!  The table and food ready we found our seats and helped Dad up the little step into the dining room and to the table where we all enjoyed a scrumptious meal.

The trick after dinner was getting Dad down the one step.  Fortunately Bruce has wheel chair experience and once my Dad relaxed in the chair Bruce was able to do the baby stair easily and once more we headed into the comfort of the living room.

Rick left first like he normally does.  No biggie.  The core of my family was in the house.  My Dad, Pat's Dad, me and Tom and Patrick.  Always seems to be us together.  My Dad felt good and was very happy to be in the house.

We had dessert in the living room and watched the golf game and chatted (they watched golf) with Bruce's phone notifying him each time someone did something amazing in the game, which was funny, the notification just after the clapping.

I had to do a little work while they were there tying up loose ends so Ghazi, the Director of the Whitney Center of the Arts would have the list of Art Work to pick up from Hudson on Monday with his large vehicle.

I had been worried about when I did my studio visits Friday on how I was going to get three large (5 feet) paintings here, until I talked to Ghazi on Saturday who offered to pick them up since he was going there and get all of the rest of the work at the same time!

Teamwork is a marvelous thing!  Trying to remember all of the details took me an email and a couple of texts.  I had been on the phone with Linden at Carrie Haddad Gallery tying up loose ends getting her list and my list straight for the pick up Monday.  They have been wonderful assisting and bearing with me at the same time as I learn.

Soon it was time to go.  We all left at once so that we had three spotters on Dad going down the stairs.  Down is easier.  We managed much easier than in with the only exception of the car needing to be moved so Dad could get in, which was my job.

Dad made it back with 15 minutes to spare.  We went to Hugs and Mugs so he could get his coffee fix for the evening before returning him to his room just in time for his meds.  We made it home in time for a new season of True Detective and the day was a success!

I do dare to say that life is good, without fear that something will change and make it not so good!  I slept well after such a full and fun day and have been enjoying this wonderful feeling of happiness in family and in general!!!

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