Thursday, September 4, 2014


I want to thank my readers who responded to my solicitation for advice yesterday.  I was pleased to have a few wise people with some sage words to live by and a reminder (I need a red lipstick) that I AM STRONG!

I slept much better last night to say the least!  So well in fact that I was thankful that I had put the garbage out the night before since the garbage men passing is what woke me up.

What a difference a day makes!  Today was, fortunately for me, my "Monday" on a Thursday and I had the talk session scheduled.  I was eager to go and while I was reading in the waiting room out walked one of my favourite people in the world!!!

My dear, sweet, long lost Lydia!!!  I could have spent the next hour talking to her, but I think Richard would have minded!  To get a much needed hug from my dear friend almost brought tears to my eyes ~ it has been 8/10 years which is way too long!  I may have to switch my Monday's to Thursdays!

Some people enter your life for a reason and then are taken away for other reasons and this is the case in this situation.  It was a devastating blow when we parted ways professionally and as my doc said ~ it is amazing with how small the area is that we haven't run into each other before hand!

The universe does provide when we need it the most ~ you just have to be open for it!  I am a believer indeed!  It was nice to be able to tell her that although I could have easily quit all the work I had done with her and revert back to past behaviours and living(?) behind walls - I have not.

I haven't written the book I told her I would someday write, but that is a developing idea which, once I break free of fear I will be bravely and honestly sharing with the hopes of helping others.  I am not there yet.  I still have so much work to do!

I will be on a mini vacation for the next week or so ~ except for regularly scheduled activities ~ so I may not have the time to share as regularly as I would like ~ but since I am not writing everyday you probably won't notice too much.

I need a break from all of the things that are wearing me down and stressing me out to regain my mental and physical strength to make it through to my surgery and beyond.  In other words, I will be avoiding all stress and drama from outside sources and focus on preparing for my recovery.

Thank you again friends near and far who helped me realign myself ~ it means so much! 


  1. Glad things seem to be looking up for you. Hope your surgery goes well. Please keep us informed. Will keep you in my prayers. Love you.

    1. Thank you my dear friend ~ I will keep you posted! Loves ya back!!!
