Friday, February 22, 2013


I am finally getting back into a routine!  I have been neglecting the fun things that I like to do - including hanging out on Google plus, and over the past two days have had so much fun reconnecting with people and conversations and amazing works of art and creativity that goes around the Internet that is not the same old meme's as you see on some other sites!  In reality - you see them there first folks!

While all of this is going on in between doctors appointments and my son being awake during daylight hours like a normal person for a change - something we had been failing on (almost succeeded until just after Christmas) when things started going the other way.  It is really nice to have adult conversations and regular meal times and help with dishes, laundry and chores and even company shopping!

I almost feel like I have a "Normal" life going here!  I was beginning to get worried - but  now after two weeks to the day of having my son home and feeling noticeably better I am psyched!  He has motivated me with his progress and I have also made great strides on all areas of my life - YEAH!!!

No longer do I feel so stressed and alone in EVERYTHING!!!  I will admit to having a minor meltdown the other day when I got to go to the supermarket and do my shopping - not even realizing how stressed I had become.

I am so grateful and thankful for all of the new friends who have offered there encouragement and support - reminding me of the challenges that I have been facing and reminding me how well I have been coping over the course of it all!  I could name names, but I think you all know who you are and need to know that big hugs from me are being sent along with rainbows and smiles from this side of the planet to you all!

I don't think I have ever completed a New Years Resolution and I have made a couple this year and have succeeded in finishing one and a half and getting ready to face the second largest one!  Also, my home is shaping up nicely and I am really enjoying getting ready for spring (although the weatherman says Q2 is headed our way)!  Why are they naming winter storms on the weather channel anyway?  That is the most ridiculous thing I have ever heard!!!  I can see naming hurricanes, but snow storms!  Get real!!!

I look so forward to finding ways to spend quality time and activities that are redeeming to myself and my family!  We had to postpone two birthday celebrations during the beginning of the month so I have a nice family dinner and quality family time to look forward to in the coming month!

It is so nice to survive an unexpected crisis and come out better than when it began!  Thank you all for helping me to see my strengths when I began to falter!  I cannot wait to get out in the world again and spread a little love and smiles again!

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