Tuesday, February 26, 2013


Today I am feeling very good about things.  I woke up rip roaring and ready to go.  Began by wiping off the bookshelf that I had unloaded into my living room last week for the major re arranging for spring, did the dishes, shelved the books and had tea.

My son has been helping me look for the copy of the lease that I need to finish yet another long delayed must do, and we went through 4 different stacks of papers and unloaded a good size bag of junk papers just in time for garbage day tomorrow.  We did not find the copy of the lease but I did find some more papers I need to do another task I have been putting off.  Busy hands, quiet mind, progress and satisfaction.  Now I am taking a break trying to regain my ability to put words to paper, even if it is just a bit of an update.

We did go to a meeting last night for the American Cancer Society for the Relay for Life Event.  My son and I are both thinking about either volunteering or actually participating.  I don't think any one on the planet has not been touched by cancer, it is a worthy cause.

Plans are also underway for volunteering for the Berkshire International Film Festival, while I was unable to attend the meeting on Saturday, I did receive minutes of the meeting and a bunch of new stuff to read and dates for fun event.

Things are progressing in a forward direction - which for me is always a plus.  The lease can be obtained from the landlord with a phone call, yet I was hoping to find my copy.  I will look further into a couple of more areas after I take a break.

I did find my papers from my physical therapy in Williamstown - the best P.T. I ever had I think.  They believe in building up your core strength and going from there, so now I can begin that routine again, along with what I am doing with my chiropractor I should be heading in the right direction.

I am off to more of the things that I have been putting off, getting some completion bonus points to boost my morale!  Hope you all have a wonderful day!


  1. good to read and thank you for letting me have a peep into your life, oh and sods law the lease agreement will have gone with the garbage...make it the landlords problem not yours (one phone call problem solved !-)
    oh and do do do get into the volunteering side its really good fun and always makes you come home with a feel good feeling inside even if a lot of the people you run into you just want to put your hands around and make it all better for them but can't
    have fun and i really look forward to your next post - loves you marguerita
