Saturday, October 26, 2013


It has been one long and slow week.  Not to say I wasn't somewhat busy and active, but it was lagging.  I guess all of that summer/fall activity and the slower pace has taken it's toll.  It is okay though, because my pain levels and flare ups have increased over the past two weeks leaving me grateful not to have had to do too much.

I spent a lot of time socializing in my home on my couch with my heating pad trying to figure out where the pain paths start to try to relieve the pain.  I do not take meds so it is a puzzle at times to do this.  I like a good challenge however and sometimes I get lucky and others not so much!

I had a couple of interesting things this week.  My oldest son used to play Bass.  He has a natural talent for music and used to spend hours making music.  He had a band for a minute and I have one of his c.d.'s of which there are two.

My son, of course had zero copies of his music.  Go figure.  He asked me some time ago if I had any of his music on c.d. and I told him I had one of the two ~ (I had both until a mishap a couple of years ago.)  On Wednesday one of my long time friends came over and he had found a copy of my son's music at his house, having been involved in our lives at that time.

He even burned copies for all of us.  I was excited to compare it to the one that I had and after listening we realized we had recovered the missing c.d.  So I gave him the one I had so he could produce backups and have the rest of the music for himself as well.

I phoned my son while I was running around doing late errands and got the machine.  I figured he didn't answer because he did not recognize my cell phone number and when I got home I was sitting with my son and my friend and remembered I had gotten the machine so I tried to call from my house phone.

Of course, I was talking and dialing and got a machine with a whole other recorded message.  I am a little slow at times, so I commented to the room that I got a different message.  My son told me I had left a pretty weird message on top of that.  I agreed.

A couple minutes after that I decided that I had dialed the wrong number because no way does my son have two different answering machines on his phone and realized just as he answered that I had dialed 458 instead of 464 (our old exchange).  So now I have left an weird message with  my number to someone in either New Ashford or Williamstown.

So I got to talk to my granddaughter after telling my son we had his music in our possession.  (Which of course he brushed off with his seemingly disinterested demeanor.)  It was much more fun talking to Ainsley who was awaiting the Halloween Parade on Friday.

I told her to check and see if she had anything going on this weekend in case there was a chance that we could get together for another sleepover.  She was free so of course we made plans for after the Parade because it was closer.

Friday, my son calls me to chastise me for making plans with a six year old instead of an adult (I swear we were having a three way conversation with her Mom in the background!)  Note to self  ~ speak with an adult for confirmation!  I also got spoken to about being at the Park after dark ~ in my defense it was only dark for about 15 minutes before we left!

Boy, it is funny how when your Sons grow up they try to be your parents.  I do love it though but don't tell them that!  I do what I want for the most part but leave it to them to let me know when I step out of line! Sheesh!

So after the Parade we had our sleepover.  Thomas did not bail on us for a change and we ate some dinner and played some Sorry ~ which neither one of them knew how to play and of course they hated it at first when I got a one before them and got to start my turn.

We opted out of the game but left it set up and went to watch "Coraline" which Ainsley had brought over. Another Tim Burton and a favorite of mine.  I have not seen all of his movies but I love the ones I have seen. We snuggled on the couch and got about halfway through it when it started skipping a little.

It was getting late and Thomas was a distraction for Ainsley.  They played on the computer while I brought the D.V.D. player upstairs to watch it in my room in pajama's  and with less distractions.  Before the movie was completely over Ainsley was sleeping and Thomas and I were admiring our Sleeping Beauty before sneaking downstairs to have a cigarette and watch some television.

I knew from the first sleepover that morning would be here early so I tried not to stay up too late.  When I went up to bed Ainsley was sprawled over most of my bed which is saying a lot because she is tiny!  I put her head back on the pillows, covered her up and found a snug place beside her and she snuggled up and continued sleeping.

In the morning we put on the cartoons and she jumped out of bed to go wake Tom up.  She surprised him by jumping on him.  I knew that he was still up at 4 a.m. when I had gone down to the bathroom and had no idea what was about to hit him!

She could not get him up and we went downstairs.  I needed a tea badly and she put her cartoons on downstairs.  Awake is awake for my granddaughter and soon she was into a couple of things.  Before we even thought about food she had the markers which you can write secret messages, Scrabble Junior, and we had finished our Sorry game from the night before!

She also found another paint/craft with sponges and a roller and got to town with that.  I can say one thing ~ she certainly has gotten my creative side going and I have been painting as well.  I did two water colors this week and actually like one.

She also saw my painting I did (refrigerator art) with her leftover paint from a couple of weeks ago!  I am running out of fridge space!  Her masterpieces of today are still drying on the table awaiting their induction to the Fridge Gallery.

I was about to make French Toast when she remembered the Fish Sticks and wanted those for breakfast. Who am I to say no?  I do not really eat breakfast so it makes no difference to me.  I have eaten many cheeseburgers for breakfast when I was a waitress.

We were not even dressed when her Mom and my son and her Uncle showed up to pick her up.  No one told me they were on there way!  So we had to scramble to get dressed and brush teeth.  They were carving pumpkins today which is always a fun thing to do!

As always it was so much fun to hang out with my granddaughter.  We can even survive not having a ton of plans and still have fun.  No playground this weekend.  Hell, I am still in my pajama's as I write this getting ready to go to my room in my totally quiet and empty house and watch t.v.  Thomas bailed to his brothers house and I am bored with my computer!

Jennifer M Gallant 10/23/2013

Jennifer M. Gallant 10/23/2013


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