Wednesday, April 30, 2014


I was just sitting here thinking how nice it was to have something to do this weekend since I got a call from the Volunteer Coordinator from Barrington Stage and now have a show Saturday and Sunday, when I suddenly realized that it is First Friday Artwalk this week as well.

I always love to hear from Jean, and she was a little surprised that I hadn't gotten my volunteer application in ~ something that got shifted to a pile during the Easter Cleaning Madness and overlooked as things have a way of happening ~ and time, one minute you blink and two weeks have gone by!

I had been waiting to secure my spots for my primary volunteering for BSC which I did weeks ago.  That one goes in my oops pile, but on the bright side, it is not too late and I am going to be a person that can be called who had the option to say yes or no.

I have had a great time every time I have ushered.  I am fairly new at it, but the thrill of the crowd, people anticipating an event, the excitement from the performers and patrons alike really does it for me.  I leave each event happy and feeling like I got the better end of the bargain by giving my time.

It has been a crappy kind of week with only one nice day out of three so far.  The rain and chill has decided to move in and pay a visit.  I had to turn my heat on to get the damp chill out and when I retrieved my garbage can from the street I noticed my new neighbor had her front door wide open which causes instant chill in my entire apartment due to poor insulation ~ with any luck it will be warm soon and it won't be an issue.  I am glad I control the heat, although I hope I don't have to keep turning it up to compensate for her heat flashes!

I roasted a chicken and streamed some potatoes for a nice chilly evening dinner.  Last night I had steamed up a bunch of red potatoes, baby carrots and broccoli which were a huge hit.  I love steamed veggies!  I am glad my son enjoyed them as well, enough to get away with steamed potatoes two nights in a row!

I have a feeling tomorrow is going to be much of the same weather wise so I plan on making a chicken soup with the carcass and left over chicken which will be good in a pinch as leftovers so no one will starve over the weekend.

I am down to two drawers left to organize before I have to think about phase two of the organization project.  I am thinking of organizing the five boxes in the corner of my room so that it will just be a contained mess out of sight anyway.  I really don't think I am up to tackling it all at once, and now with weekend plans I don't have to!

The green peppers are really catching up to the jalapenos as of earlier this afternoon ~ now if the rain would stop so I could turn the earth and prep the outdoors.  Not that I am ready to plant outdoors, these babies will have to graduate into a larger container before going outside.

My friend Lisa has an idea to turn this chained coop into an outdoor greenhouse for plants.  I am curious to hear her ideas.  It may be a fun project for the growing season.  I have been lacking productive and useful outdoor time.

All this walking and errands is wonderful (haha) but I need something hands on which shows results, which this little garden project will do, in the end anyway.  I also want a lesson on making indoor herb gardens as well.

I need to get back on task with my random cooking experiments outside of feeding the family too.  I have been kind of stalled in all areas it seems upon inspection.  Baby steps seem to be the way to go, it seems that I get more done when I say I am going to do nothing ~ I think it must be the lack of pressure which motivates me.

As you can see my "To Do" list just keeps filling up.  It always does!  Somehow, eventually I get it all done and the list still has more added to it!  That is life to be sure, for me anyway!

On a whim this afternoon I was window shopping in Fingerhut ~ I started my life of establishing credit through them all those years ago when I was a young Mom with no money who still had needs.  I found it really worked for me and I still have many of those products from those days.

Eventually they send you a credit card with outrageous interest, which they did for me the same week I got my first Citibank card.  So I decided to submit my application to see my credit worthiness and low and behold I got a limit!

I have been window shopping like I said,  not buying because I have resolve, but trying to decide how I want to begin this new adventure.  I am trying to decide between a set of dishes that match that are not my good, good ones; and a printer/scanner/copier.

Needless to say I need the dishes only because I would love to have them; I have narrowed them down to three choices.  The printer is a little different, I need a new one since my scanner is not working on my old one for some strange reason and I really want a printer.

They both would make my life easier for sure and both would make me happy so it is a toss up.  I am going to do what I normally do and sleep on it.  The dishes do cost less and would be easier to pay off quicker and the printer could be my second purchase...

I am definitely sleeping on it!

Tuesday, April 29, 2014


I accomplished sweeping out the entire downstairs constituting a record for me!  That marks the first time that my entire downstairs got swept out within a week of the last time which was not caused by a spill or mishap which could not be simply overlooked!

I am making fun of myself.  I remember the days when I would mop my entire downstairs twice a day ~ once in the morning and once in the evening regardless of whether they needed it or not.  That was when I had babies crawling and toddling around.

A time when I needed to fill every waking moment with activity regardless of what was going on.  It used to drive people crazy ~ and it took many years of reconditioning where I could actually sit down and visit and keep my focus on the visit, the t.v. show, the movie ~ whatever was going on.

My accident kind of forced the new behaviour on me.  Having to learn what my limits were ~ when I never had a need for limits and just did everything.  Working at Friendly's we always had to be busy as well, whether we had customers or not with cleaning or stocking until we got busier than busy could be!

Having three boys within 4 years of each other kept me pretty busy as well.  I ran a pretty tight ship and required things from them despite doing things for them as well.  When they were little they were well trained ~ putting dirty clothes in the laundry, picking up after themselves, when Thomas was still in the walker I could never do the laundry by myself, he was always wanting to help put the clothes in the dryer.

Living in the country was an entirely different set of "chores" and responsibilities.  Not only was the house in order but there were just under two acres and we burned wood as well in our wood stove.  I think I was in culture shock when I moved back to the "City"

Living in an apartment without anything else to take care of but the living space. You were lucky to have a yard!  Now I have a yard but am not obligated to do work, there are men for that, but I am eager to plant my garden this year and get my hands dirty.

I miss the earth and the dirt and the country, walking in the woods and sitting by the river in the morning with my tea, listening to the brook with the sun on my face and my dog by my feet, ideal memories and ones I count as wonderful blessings.

I just wish the weather would finally get warm and stay warm!  The day was warm yesterday and cold today.  I had to put my heat back on to get out the chill and I am wearing a sweater and still feeling a chill.  No way to get over the sniffles for sure!

My friends daughter is coming up from South Carolina in 20 days for a visit for 10 days.  She and my youngest son used to go to gymnastics when they were four (it was more like group play than gymnastics).  We are looking forward to her visit, but it made me question whether I was ready to tackle that huge project at this time.

20 days would give me a deadline indeed but what if I fail?  Then I would have a huge mess with company in the house and I am not too keen on that idea at all!  I am thinking I need to think about a way to do it in stages, so I organized one of my three shirt drawers since everything was all mixed together and crammed in there.

I am taking baby steps on this one ~ the table in the room is an awesome idea as far as I am concerned.  It is really giving me another place besides my bed to utilize as a work area, which means that if I don't finish I can still go to sleep without having to move everything!

On a side note ~ although I have only written two days in a row, I am finding it easier to write today than I did yesterday.  I didn't erase the opening line five times today ~

Monday, April 28, 2014


Life has been a combination of fun and busy mixed with a bit of necessary relaxation for recuperation to go along with it.  The weather has been gloomy, cold and rainy with an occasional nice day thrown in ~ just enough for me for one to pick up the sniffles to boot!

Today was a back to normal Monday with my normal afternoon appointment.  I was tired after walking thirty feet but made it to the store and to the library before racing from the library with two minutes before I was late.

My doctor was late too ~ no big deal, he has interesting magazines in his office ~ the ones with articles I find informative and they keep me slightly up to date as I live in my own world and too much information will (especially negative news) will give me overload especially with the internet and so much out there to overload ones entire system!

Sometimes I just like to live in ignorant bliss.  I get tired of hearing about how everyone on the planet has a secret agenda between the food and the water, the fracking, corruption, strife, struggle, war and pain.  Give me my comfortable bubble which I inhabit any day!

My problems are enough for me!  I know that sounds selfish and on some levels it is.  My struggles are the same as a majority of people on the planet, still trying to figure out how to do more than survive from day to day, week  to week, month to month.  I can deal with that, much beyond that I can't really say.

That is why I focus on the nice, warm, cool, fun, productive and colorful.  Family, food and fun is where my focus is and should be with some Art and Music and a bunch of good and bad t.v. thrown in along with the computer for a mild distraction and some warm weather and sunshine and I am good, good, good.

I did attend a meeting tonight ~ or half of one anyway.  In my defense, I thought it was only an hour long when I left and when my son phoned after the hour to let me know dinner was ready I kind of just left, thinking that it was almost over, when it had an hour left to go.

I did miss some good info ~ which two of my friends will fill me in on more completely over the next few days I am sure.  It is about Art Space ~ what is needed/wanted and where the art community sees itself going over the next ten years.  Part of Community Development.

Since I loosely consider myself a "artist", am a fan and supporter of the arts and seem to be most comfortable in this arena I figured it would not hurt to attend.  I have three pages of notes.  I initially went to put in my two cents ~ (which I did not do) regarding a need for computer/printing access, mainly for the printing since I don't have any hard copies of the pages I write.  One of these days I would like to look at everything I have written over the past almost two years.

I have also been super busy with my pepper plants for my first real garden in this place.  I still have to go out and dig up the area and maybe add some good soil to revive the soil that is there to give it a boost.  I have many jalapeno (hot) developing into some nice looking plants and my green peppers are a bit slower but should be good soon.

My friend Lisa took me on a journey the other day and we visited her friend who gave her some tomato plants and she gave me some so now I have tomatoes which I hadn't planned on planting, along with my green beans and cukes, I think we will be eating fresh grown veggies this year!!!

My friend John also gave me some magic plant stuff which is full of vitamins and oxygen which he mixed up for me which I have been using on all my plants.  I can tell you that after I did some pruning on the base of my pineapple over one night it began to sprout roots!!!  I may actually succeed in getting one in dirt after all!! 

Thomas also helped me put the table top on the "old" dining room table in my room so now I have a work space in my room.  It has already come in handy, although I haven't begun my major project yet.  I am thinking of beginning with the holiday decorations and going from there.  

I know I am going to make a huge mess and I am not sure if I am ready to look at a huge mess for the week or so it will take me to organize it, but it may be just what I need to do in order to motivate myself!  As always I can think of 10 reasons not to start the project.  More than likely the simple act of putting away the Easter decorations will lead to the beginning and before I know it all will be well and in order in my land, balance restored!

Life has been looking better and better through my eyes over the course of the past two months for what reason ~ I am not entirely sure, whether it has been my outlook or just a series of fortunate events rather than unfortunate for a change ~ a much welcome change for that matter!  I am sure not complaining!

Wednesday, April 23, 2014


I have been much more busy than I really expected to be.  When I last left you, I had been planning on taking it easy and doing the dining room in preparation for Easter Dinner.  I tried ~ I really did to take it easy  but somehow I ended up in my room to relax and during commercials got super motivated hanging and putting away clothes.

The fun did not stop there.  I headed downstairs to pick up and clear out the excess ~ uncovered a bit more dirt than I  realized hiding out behind and between boxes and ended up super cleaning three more rooms.  When the boys came by to hang out once again (being blessed with more visits with my family!!) we had a great visit.

When they left at 11:00 on Saturday night I walked the broom up to my room and ended out cleaning yet more of my room.  By the time I took a break and went to bed it was very late.  I woke early in the morning to a quiet house and no stress since we were eating later and I had plenty of time to do what I had to do for dinner after wasting most of the morning playing on the computer.

I got showered and dressed for the holiday for a change.  I am usually the only person at the table in p.j.'s because I simply had no time to get ready, not the case this year, even with Tom's Dad arriving two hours before the meal to talk my ear off.  We attempted to play WII Golf Frisbee and tied the first game and barely made it through three holes of the second game he was chattering too much!

I had the potatoes peeled and the green bean ends cut and everything in their pans and ready to go in ample time.  When I called the boys to let them know when the meal would be ready they were almost ready to walk out the door so I put the dinner rolls in the oven and finished setting my table.

The new table worked out amazing.  I like the rectangle table better than my round/oval table by a mile!  There was tons of room ~ especially when I took the extra place setting off.  I once again parked myself in the back of the table, which I now see as a tactic so I don't/can't get up during the meal being blocked in on either end by my son and his Dad.

We had a good meal and Rick left just about after dinner, taking a meal to go for his friend Carolyn who was not celebrating with anyone, and if I had thought about it clearly would have invited her to join us at our table.

After Rick left, Pat, Tom, Bruce and I settled in the living room and ordered "The Desolation of Smaug", which if you are not familiar is the second in the trilogy of the Hobbit.  Trying to piece it together from the first one was tricky at first, but we managed to enjoy the whole movie and look forward to the third, although my middle son and I want to watch the first and second one again one after another so we can see how the flow actually works between the two movies.

Pat and Bruce left after the movie.  It had been a wonderful day indeed!  Thomas remained at home and we nibbled on candy and watched Game of Thrones.  We had a wonderful Easter indeed!  I crashed very hard after it was said and done, thankful to have a free day the next day since my doctor was on vacation for the week.

I got my dishes from the day before done and put my house back in order.  This new motivated me is a treat.  I do enjoy having things done and in their place, or at least done with a clearer vision of where things should go.

I didn't begin my big organization yet, since Monday night Jeffrey called to see if I could be Gramma on Tuesday evening into Wednesday as it is April Vacation and my granddaughter was coming!!!  I was excited and ready, eager to be useful to my son and his wife, and see my favourite person on the entire planet!

Before dinner Ains phoned me to let me know they were eating in 20 minutes and going to Target so she could spend the Easter Money she found in the Golden Egg at her other Grand-parent's Easter Egg hunt and then they would be over.  She remembered the M&M dispensers we had unpacked the week before and said she was bringing M&M's so we could try out the dispensers.  She has such a good memory, as I hadn't even given them more than a quick thought over the course of the week.

They arrived with one of the biggest bags of M&M's I had ever seen!  We had more than enough to fill up the three dispensers we were eager to try out, and then some.  She also brought her new toy ~ Tinker Bell with clothes, boots and purses to dress her up with.  She was so tiny and the dresses which are made of plastic with little tabs to fasten them were so tiny, I for one had difficulty helping her out with them.

She ran Thomas ragged for an hour, and then settled down on the couch with Tom to watch some t.v.  I was worried she was sick she got so quiet so suddenly.  At one point she went behind the chair and I thought she was playing at crying but she was really crying and needed to phone her Mom since she missed her.

Mom and Dad had to be to work at 5 a.m. so they were in bed when she phoned.  She was happier after that, but then wanted her toy dog "Spot".  A quick look see in her bag and no Spot ~ none of my many stuffed animals could take his place so she called home once again and persuaded her parents to bring him over (really she just wanted her Mom).

Since her parents are the awesome and wonderful people that they are, they arrived with Spot five minutes later.  Ains got her hugs and kisses and was all smiles once again, and all was right in the world!  I was relieved!  Sometimes this Gramma stuff is a little trickier than I realized!

We finally got up to bed and to sleep later than usual but she was so tired she just fell asleep in an instant.  I am a glutton for punishment, and instead of going to sleep went downstairs to hang with Tommy for a bit longer before I to went to bed.

Morning came too quickly, as it always does when Ains is in the house.  I handed her the clicker to the t.v. and bought myself another 45 minutes of napping before I was able to open my eyes and get into my role as Gramma.

We played more Hangman as I drank my tea and woke up.  A little different from my normal routine, but it involved waking up the brain in a way that I like and after a couple of rounds I was ready to make some breakfast while Ains dressed her Fairy for the day and watched the Disney Channel.

The day went by too fast, as it always does when we are hanging out.  We did manage to get showered and dressed and packed up before Jeffrey walked in the door to pick her up.  I was kind of glad it was a rainy day out so we didn't have to go anywhere, but I cannot wait for the weather to pick up and stay warm since the Ice Cream place opened up!

It is quiet once again, the new neighbor is moving in and I am going to chill with a book before dinner and will probably be napping within 10 pages by the way my eyes are feeling right now!  All in all it was another one for the memory banks and I can truly say life is good!

Saturday, April 19, 2014


I was pleasantly surprised by a visit from my middle son and his Dad on Thursday evening.  This on top of my planned get together with my granddaughter was making an already wonderful week even better!  Patrick and his Dad are like Tom and I ~ we like to stay home, so when they come over to our house it is always great for me.  It wasn't even the holiday yet!

A bonus of the evening was the awesome ability to connect with my son's Amazon Prime account so now we can watch the first season of the Vikings!  I am so excited I cannot wait to find some time to watch and catch up with the show!

Friday morning rolled around too early for me for sure.  I was plagued with the inability to sleep more than an hour at a time and when my alarm went off I hit the snooze and then completely shut it off the second time~ planning on being up and in the shower before Ainsley arrived so I would be rip roaring and ready to go ~ like most plans that one did not work out ~ I awoke on my own at 7:10 and they were due to arrive at 7:30.  Not wanting to take the timing chance, I made a tea and had a smoke, trying my best to wake up before they arrived.

Lisa brought Ainsley and we were all in the same boat ~ feeling like it was much too early to be up and at 'em.  We all were happy and smiling despite the early hour.  Lisa headed off to work and Ainsley and I settled right into the dining room and crafting our Ceramic Easter eggs so they would be ready for Sunday.

After we painted a bit it was time for breakfast.  Ainsley decided on Pancakes and sausage which was perfect.  My new pancake batter is better than Aunt Jemima I have found and I hope I can get my hands on some more of it ~ if you have not tried it Krustez is amazing!  Light and FLUFFY pancakes every time!

We had breakfast watching the Disney Channel and then it was time to play some more.  Ains wanted to play stuffed animals and not the general public ones that were downstairs so we headed up to Gramma's private stock and picked out our companions.

I chose one of my favorite Teddy Bears and my little dog that reminds me of Leonardo (my gone, but not forgotten Terrier Poodle) and she picked my Purple Unicorn with wings after I gave it up to her and a bear with a nice blue winter coat.

It was warmer upstairs in my room so we played up there and somehow got exploring my jewelry boxes with all my odds and ends.  She found two necklaces full of fairy dust I had bought about 10 years ago for no particular reason other than I could.  It seems like yesterday there was a reason as now we have matching  (although with different colour fairy dust) necklaces.

We found a board game of Hangman in the closet as well and played about 10 games in between it all as well.  She is missing her cousins who moved down south.  It became evident when I was losing because she was using their names as the words I was supposed to guess!

This is going to be her first Easter without them and she is already feeling lonely for them two days early.  We talked about it at great length and decided that when we went out we would get them an Easter gift to send down so they know she is missing them.

I had planned on getting her a little something anyway so after a couple of more games I got in the shower and then when I was done she decided that she wanted to take a shower as well.  She had arrived in jammies and needed to get dressed as well so it worked out great.

We made our way up to the store and stopped in at the playground and played there for our first time this season.  Since we only had an hour and a half left to spend together since she was getting picked up at 2:00 (much to my dismay), we made our way to the Rite Aide to check out their Easter Surplus.

Since they put everything out way too early for holidays, what was left was already on sale and Clearance.  After some serious deliberation she decided on a toy fishing pole which was just her size with 5 magnetic fish to catch for herself and a couple of TY stuffed animals for Joey and Haley.

There was no stopping at the Park on the way back through.  The large groups of children were intimidating to both of us and we wanted to check out the new toys before Jeffrey arrived to snatch her away.  Thomas had awoken to an empty house as he called while we were out, but had gone back to sleep before we got back.

We had liberated my M&M dispenser collection from a box earlier while we were looking for more paper money to go with the 18 dollars she had found the last time.  No paper money found but we did empty a box and clean up the dusty dispensers and checked out how cool they were.  I had almost forgotten about them.

While she played with her fishing pole I got them out of the middle of the floor and remembered to put the clothes in the dryer so it would not be an  "all play" kinda day.

Since she had a lateish breakfast I was worried about lunch before Jeff arrived.  She opted for pineapple over everything else.  I do hope that I get that pineapple to grow some roots so we can enjoy a fresh grown pineapple before she is 16 since they take so long to produce fruit ~ that would really be something!

She tried to hide when we heard the car in the driveway.  She was too excited to stay hidden for too long, eager to tell Jeff she had seen him working in the Van while we were on North Street.  She was certain he had spotted us and a little disappointed that he hadn't I think, but excited to share it with him anyway.

I love how much they love each other :))))))!!!!  It does my heart good to see and feel the love that they have for each other ~ my little family is awesome!  We gathered everything together and headed out to the car, got some hugs and wished Happy Easter all the way around.  I was beat, but it was so much fun!  I had a great day as always spontaneously hanging with my little munchkin!

Thomas was going over to Patricks so I got him up so we could spend some time together before Patrick came over again.  We hung out and watched some t.v. after a bit of time on our computers.  I decided to heat up the sauce and make some dinner as it was getting well into dinner time by then.

Of course Patrick showed up as I was cooking Pasta.  He was not in a hurry for a change and was without his Papa so the three of us hung out and they played some pretty awesome Motorcycle game on the PS4 while I made some food and watched them.

Patrick even had a couple of meatballs which is rare.  He of course critiqued my food and I knew I was in for it since he got one of the ones full of less than finely chopped onions.  He is so funny!  It was hard not to laugh in his face when I was defending my lack of skill.  Finally I just agreed (after I tried to convince Thomas to side with me that is!)

He also gave me a heap of crap about my necklace with the Fairy Dust which I had forgotten I was wearing. Of course I had to ask him how he even knew it was Fairy dust???? !!!???  The boys left and I was totally beat by that time to be sure.  I put away the food and enjoyed a most peaceful and tranquil nights sleep.

Plans are set for tomorrow and I know what I am doing.  I still do not know what time dinner is which is not unusual.  Since we don't stress stuff like that it is all good!  The most major task I have to do is put away the art stuff and tidy up the diningroom again and convince myself that the living room is fine and I should wait before I move everything else around once again.

I decided to write and share as a distraction from biting off more than I can chew, although in my head, it would take no time to do the living room, I just do not have a clear vision yet that doesn't involve moving three bookcases full of heavy books.

I am off for now and truly will not be back before Sunday so do have a wonderful and Happy Easter!

Thursday, April 17, 2014


This week has been working out like a dream in itself.  I made it to the supermarket (with a ride) Thanks Lisa! got my holiday ham and supplies for the month, cooked meatballs and sausage for Friday when my granddaughter comes over for the day (and night I hope!) and wrapped and frozen the meat to get us through the month.

When I got back from the store my middle son phoned.  I think he was expecting to have to bring me shopping.  A favour I hate to ask anyone for, but around the holiday feast he is more agreeable to it.  He sounded disappointed that I had already gone and gotten the feast food.

He mentioned hoping to have Turkey or Roast Beef, which is funny because all of the previous holiday conversations over the years have made Ham the meal for Easter.  I told him if he wanted to get either a turkey or a roast beef he could be my guest.  It has been a while since we have had a duel meat meal (over a year at least.)

My eldest son and his family are going to her Mom's house.  Of course I am sad but understanding but we will miss them at our table to be sure!  Besides I get to have Ainsley all day Friday and like I said Friday night if I am lucky.

Part of the reason I did not begin my huge organization project is due to the Holiday on Sunday.  I knew I would be putting too much pressure on myself.  I know I will be making a huge mess in the process which will not be able to be quickly sorted out.

Getting organized and sorting is a process all in itself.  One I have done a few hundred times by now.  When I moved back here in 2008 everything was sorted and organized and then I moved into an apartment where the landlord had attic access and my organization was lost as I found out when I moved and I found stuff from the 90's which should have been with other stuff from the 90's in with currant stuff.  To tell you the truth I was not too happy about that and I was thinking I was going crazy when I would hear noises in the attic late at night.

Live and learn I always say.  I learned then that people are not always what/who they appear to be and that people can be real lowlifes.  Not to speak ill of the dead, but what comes around goes around and I was not sad to hear of his passing a couple of years later.

So in between all of this shopping and cooking I have been trying to keep warm.  A cold front came through to rip our nice spring weather out from under us and we even had some snow.  Not a foot or anything, just enough to coat the ground and keep the temperature down.

I am pissed cuz I actually did shave my legs with the coming of the warm weather and was looking forward to be wearing shorts and working on my tan!  My son is beside himself with the April snow.  He forgets that it is not unusual here in the Berkshires for us to have peculiar weather such as it is!

I got my 7th part written and published on my story and I am happy with it.  I hope those of you who are reading it are enjoying it as well.  I promise next time that it will not be so long between publications.  Not promising one before Sunday as I am behind in other writing projects as well, but you never know!

I am looking forward to Easter.  It will be the first meal at the "new" table.  I have to de-clutter the dining room since it is once again full of Art stuff.  I have a couple of days for that, as I am sure we will be doing some Art stuff Friday finishing off painting the ceramic Easter Eggs which were my "surprise" a couple of weeks ago.

I am sure I will have time to write again before now and Sunday, but in case I am not able to do so I would like to wish each and everyone of you a wonderful and joyous Easter Sunday!

Tuesday, April 15, 2014


After acknowledging my overwhelmedness yesterday for the world to see I began to mentally process what work I needed to do ~ where I needed to begin.  After catching up on "The Americans" instead of heading downstairs to potentially stay up way too late, I turned on "Gone With The Wind" it hooked me ~ it was at the part where Rhett proposes to Scarlett and kisses her like a woman should be kissed and from there it was all over, no contest I stuck it out til the end.

I fell asleep to "Singing In the Rain" and slept soundly.  I had dreams which I can remember, a miracle in itself these days, hell these years, I miss my vivid dream life.  I dream in colour and sound and people, some whom I know and others I have not met yet.

I digress...I woke up once and it was early.  I remembered I had no cigarettes upstairs and I had to pee but it was too early to get up.  I looked and noticed my son had brought me a cigarette sometime between me falling asleep and then so I smoked it and ignored the urge to urinate, knowing that if I got up I would be up for the day.

I totally forgot about the eclipse.  When I woke up an hour and a half later I could no longer ignore the need for the bathroom.  It was after 9 so I got up and made my way downstairs, noting that my son actually slept in his room!  Yeah!  Another milestone (it will be a record if he sleeps in there two nights in a row!)

I felt pretty good.  I had a good session the day before with my doctor.  Well, I can't say what I discussed was good, because frankly it is something which bothers me deeply.  What was good was the process.  Also the connection that was made.  Saying words out loud which I do not like to even think about but once out the world did not end.

Since I also acknowledged everything I have to do to myself yesterday I began the day thinking of how to begin.  I don't just mean get a cup of tea, get on the computer and think about it ~ I prioritized a bit ~ I remembered the strategy ~ pick the worst and begin there, that way you can see the progress.

I was at the computer when I decided that the worst task and most necessary thing to start with (outside of the general major organization), was the computer room.  More specifically the computer table.  We share it and it is a filthy mess to be sure ~ it has gotten totally out of control with papers stacked along with everything except the kitchen sink.

I filled our two chairs with everything that was on the table ~ making a his and hers.  Most of it was mine as I do actual work on the computer aside from gaming.  The next chore was to wipe it down.  Like I said it was a filthy mess.  I am not proud of the condition of the computer table but we do spend a lot of time at our computers each and every day.

I thought about what else I could do once I got the table cleaned and the chairs empty ~ adding the papers to yet another pile of papers in the dining room, that one just about the same, but more currant.  Ashtrays ~ I thought.  I used to clean the ashtrays everyday.  I am ashamed to say that the last time they got a bath was two years ago before I moved into this house.

Those British ladies would be disgusted with me.  I thought about doing the microwave but thought twice.  Two major chores required a fun and simple chore to balance it out.  I decided to plant my peppers.  Yes, I am going to actually plant some veggies this year.

I bought seeds a couple of weeks ago.  I chose to plant some Sweet Peppers and some Very Hot Jalapenos, along with cukes and green beans.  I considered onions and may rethink the onions when I go back and get the basil since I killed the basil over the winter.

I planted one of the shooters from the spider plant for kicks and changed the water on the pineapple plant I have been trying to root.  No easy task but I am determined to root one this year it may work!  I checked the water on the avocado which is beginning to crack but no stem yet!

Since I planted in the kitchen I had to sweep the floor and get what little bits of soil fell to the floor (on purpose) so I killed two birds with one stone so to speak and swept the bathroom out just because it was next to the kitchen.

Thomas got up by then, just after noon ~ not too bad!  Although I had hoped to sweep out under the table to finish the room.  I let him do his thing and took a break and played a bit on the computer myself feeling pretty good about my progress overall.

I remembered to take food out for dinner ~ pulling out a pork roast to cut chops into for dinner ~ easy peasy right?  I put some potatoes in the over and pulled the meat out of the fridge where it was thawing all day in order to cut the chops.

That was when I realized this was the chicken and not the chops.  Damn, we just had chicken the night before so I swore at myself and decided to make some pancakes for dinner instead with some brown and serve to go with our baked potatoes.  Weird I know but I just don't want chicken again.  Pancakes are cooking right now since I just realized it five minutes ago.

I finally got to write the 7th part of my ongoing Fiction ~ UNEXPECTED ~ which I will put the link to here for your consideration.

I don't know why on the days which I get so much done it feels like I have done less than on the days when I get nothing done.  I have put a dent so to speak in my long list and look forward to seeing my seeds sprout into little pepper plants!

Work, Science = FUN to me!

Time to flip the pancakes!  Happy reading everyone!

Monday, April 14, 2014


It has once again been a while since I have last written anything, again ~ not for lack of wanting to, more a lack of time over all.  I have been busy learning new things, spending time with my favourite granddaughter, finishing (finally) all the levels and town goals on my game before they close it, and adjusting to life with my son back in my "time zone" instead of me getting sucked into his.

I helped my friend Lisa, who is an artist mount her canvas on a board ~ something I have never done before, never even really thought about all the steps serious artists have to learn, know and go through to get a piece finished and ready to show and sell.

Being a paper user mainly and no canvas (yet) and only displaying what I create in house without too much concern about framing which ideally would "finish" a piece ~ I have a lot of unfinished creations, even with my crafts the finished box is full, but what do you do with them then especially if you are me (a person who thinks they need to be touched up even when they are fine!).

I am currently so overwhelmed with the arrival of all of my stuff from storage.  You know that the five boxes of stuff I needed to go through for the past few years ~ multiply that by 10 and then consider the job of organizing everything down into category.

Between the camping/outdoor gear, Holiday decorations, miscellaneous crap all mixed together I have one huge task ahead of me.  Since everything  is now just shoved into whatever random closet/storage space including the basement I have a great need to group like things and get it together.  It is my next huge project. It will be ongoing that is for sure and once it is done life can resume order again.

It has really left me distressed since moving in 2008 ~ (when everything I owned was organized and in order. I could put my fingers on any item we owned within 5 minutes (sometimes 10 if it was in a box but I knew what box!)

This is life as I know it now.  I have been missing the order of life as I knew it then.  Location does not really make a difference in reality (although I do prefer my country house to this city living).  I do, however like to/need to have that order in my life wherever I reside.

When I moved to West Stockbridge in the early 1990's, we moved into Dave's apartment which was already set up.  The kids toys and things were set up in one attic quite nicely and the other attic had all of my belongings and furniture.  The only things we used of ours were our clothes and games and music pretty much.

When I left West Stockbridge it was like Christmas unpacking my boxes and seeing all of the things which make up my life and ever since then I kinda like to have my stuff where I can see and enjoy it.  Most definitely I like to take stock now that it is all back in the house so to speak.

We found a box of toys which I left out for Ainsley last week.  Inside the box are many little toys and things.  Among those toys was a bunch of tops ~ still in the package from the 90's ~ they have a spinner which is battery operated and now that I have full powered batteries in it they spin like mad.

I think that you are supposed to be able to stack them and spin them all at once but I have yet to succeed at that.  After Ains left I was picking up and checking out some of the little toys.  Many of them are from the kids meals and some of them are really cool wind up or action toys (my personal favourite).

You guys probably don't know that I am like a over sized kid.  My kids all think and say they are older than me and I admit at times I think they are right.  I am the woman who will walk down the toy aisle and see a toy that makes noise or sings and I will activate a whole shelf of them.  Yes, I know what you are probably thinking..., it is fun!!!! (you should try it if you never have!)

 With the weather beginning to warm up and the ground drying out (not much of a mud season in the city as opposed to the country, it will soon be time to go to the playground with my monkey girl.  I cannot wait!  It was rainy the other day when she was here and a bit cold as well but soon enough it will be just right.

I am looking forward to Friday.  I am also hoping it is a warm and springlike day as I get to hang out with my granddaughter while her parents work and if she has her way she will be sleeping over.  It is the beginning of April Vacation and Easter Sunday.

She got new shoes with heels (her first pair) which she wore over on Friday evening, wearing her cute little heart dress and sweater.  She was quite the young lady at 6 years old.  With the heels came the girl attitude as well.  She is really growing up!  I do love that little girl!  I cannot wait for Friday!

So I have written in my head all week and this isn't it ~ funny how that happens.  Oh well, it is what it is!  I have to go get dinner in the oven and maybe even write part 7 of Unexpected (which has been laying neglected for at least a month now ~ it is a good thing I have the next part written in my head just waiting for more TIME!.

With some discipline and a kick in the paints from myself to myself I will find the balance to do all that I need to do and want to do!  Until next time...

Tuesday, April 8, 2014


I am luxuriating in the most wonderful feeling of being the happiest girl in the world ~ however brief it may last!!!  I just got off the phone with the Electric Company after opening a staggering bill from my electric heat usage this season.

I was prepared to make an arrangement like I usually do but opted for the information for low income consumers first.  Am I ever glad I did!!!  Now I have a budget each month based on my energy usage which I can live with and they FORGAVE my past due amount (as long as I keep to my budget)!!!

The best part is, instead of figuring out how to pay my remaining utilities this month AND survive ~ I will not be paying a bill until the end of May and I know what it is!!!!  Life is good and getting better!!!!

Can you say Thank you!!!  Cuz I can!!! I am so grateful at this very moment for all that I have and especially not to have that worry for the next 5 months ~ instead I have a workable solution!!!

You know I am all about progressing forward and over the previous two weeks I am drowning in my progress (in a good way!)

Having all of my stuff (besides the wardrobe at Bruce's house which I promise is the next thing I am going to work on Bruce!!) makes me feel less strewn about the world and discombobulated.  I do not mind having to go through and sort/sell/throw away what needs to be ~ I look forward to getting my life back together in the best way possible and for me that is knowing where everything is at a moments notice instead of looking five places and still not having a clue!

Order is important to me.  Chaos is not so much a friend of mine, although I work very well under pressure. I guess I am a control freak because when things are not in order I am less in control.  Thank you universe for helping me get back the order I so desire!

With half of these hurdles jumped and the finish line closer and closer I am feeling good indeed!  For me having so many loose ends just made it harder to manage on a daily basis.  Of course I am good at faking it ~ pretending it is all good when it is a shit storm of confusion about how the hell I am going to manage to work my way through the 2008 mess (longest running mess of my life I think!)

Sunday, April 6, 2014


For most people after busting ass lifting and moving a storage area clear and filling it back up they would be done.  Most smart people that is!  When Tom and I finished we thankfully sat down and relaxed for a while ~ Tom ordered pizza, we ate and watched some television.

I put off going out for the necessities, which on Friday were toilet paper and cigarette tubes.  Two very necessary items.  While we gratefully reclined in my bed resting watching a movie, Thomas asked me if I was going to ArtWalk which was only an hour later.

I was aching all over.  My neck, my back, my arms and my legs.  When I reluctantly got up to walk down the stairs my legs protested horribly but I managed to make it down the stairs without too much problem.  When the water hit my tore up hands, cut, dinged and sore I thought I would die!

I stood under the stream of the hot water and let it work it's way down the top of my head and neck and over my exhausted back muscles, almost regretting the fact that I had not picked up what I needed in the world when I had transportation.

I dressed and walked out the door.  Almost turning around and walking back in the house after 20 feet up my street.  The short hill up the way almost turned me around as well but I continued on my way, stopping at the smoke shop and almost buying tobacco instead of tubes which would have been horrible, but I caught myself before I paid and got the right thing.

I called my friend Lisa and she had not left her studio yet so I met her and a couple of her friends there and she and RoseMary and I took off to view the limited art which was available to view.  Less artists show this time of year due to the low turnout I think  ~ with the pending rain it was quiet on the streets and in the venues.

I saw some great art and some new artists as well.  Always a good time I have out and about in the world, regardless of how much pain each step creates on top of the pain that I created myself earlier in the day.  I was thankful to call it an early night and was home before 8 ~ by passing the opening at the Whitney/Colt Gallery.  I have to remember to go during the week as the pictures I saw were promising.

When I made it in the door my son immediately told me to call my Granddaughter so before I had my coat off I was dialing the phone and making my tea which Tom had begun for me when he called me to see where I was.

She said the sweetest words this Gramma could hear "Can I sleep over tomorrow night?"  Feeling tired and sore I did not hesitate one second before I said "Of course, what time are you coming?" "2:00" she said automatically.  "Excellent" said I, "Let me talk to an adult so I can confirm it."  (Learning my lesson months before on making plans with a six year old without speaking to an adult.)

She passed me to Mr. Jeffrey and I confirmed it ~ "How did you arrive at 2?"  He asked.  "She picked it ~ It can be later, earlier, whatever just let me know what works for you guys."  I said.  "We will call you before we come over."  "Okay ~ just let me know cuz I have to clean up around here a little." said I.  "Mom, she is three (she is six) she doesn't care about a mess."  "I do though and this Gramma has to have things in order." I replied before he promised to call the next day.

I felt worse on Saturday than I had on Friday, but that is too be expected.  I chose to kill myself to gain the rewards greater than I have been able to do on my own for quite some time now.  Each ache and pain was worth it.

I got in the shower and noticed that the fronts of my legs were bruised from above the knees to my upper thighs almost.  Ouch ~ no wonder my legs hurt so much!  I don't know if it was from banging them or over walking after over doing but Ouch is an understatement!

I got dressed and was kind of thankful that it was a semi crappy day weather wise.  The playground is void of snow and children are back to playing full swing and it is one of Ainsley's favourite places to go.  I knew that I could not do the playground thing cuz I actually play with my granddaughter in the playground as opposed to sitting on my butt watching from a distance.  Part of the charm I think of a playground is the swings and slides and oh yeah ~ learning spanish/english translations.

Around 2:00 the phone rang, "Gramma, I have a surprise for you!."  I could not begin to guess what it was but I said "Good, I love surprises!"  She had to eat some lunch and then they would be over.  I waited ~ having set the new table up in the diningroom I was pleased with my progress.  I had a box of toys I had in storage already waiting in the livingroom ~ I had a couple surprises of my own...

They arrived and she was full of energy.  Poor Thomas, who was as sore as I was without having a neck/back issue, was set to work within a second giving piggy back rides and being chased around the apartment.  I don't know how he did it!  She loves him so much!  I think she thinks he is a kid like her despite the 15 years between them!  They are both the babies in each of our perspective families.

We got rid of the parents who had to go shopping and Ainsley and uncovered her surprise ~ some ceramic easter eggs to paint from the craft store with a brush and 4 colours of pastel paint ~ the paint was garbage ~ one colour was good out of all of them.

I covered the new table with paper to protect the surface before Tom, Ains and I sat down to paint.  Thomas decided it was easier to use his fingers and covered his entire egg in blue ~ saving the design to paint "after it dries Ma".  He had more paint on his hands that the entire Egg I think!  Ainsley and I were more delicate and less hands on using brushes and paint cups!

Tom did make more progress than either of us and before we were finished with our projects we were onto something new.  They went outside and got some fresh air where I joined Ainsley in the backyard when Tom's was too tired to run around.

It was getting chilly so we headed back inside.  Patrick and Bruce were coming to pick up Thomas ~ he loves to leave us girls to our own devices.  The guys showed up while I was making some homemade french fries to go with our fish sticks.

Ains was chilling on the couch, suddenly cold, and very quiet for my little ball of energy.  I checked her temp and asked her if she was feeling okay.  She said she go up at 6:00 ( later her Mom told me she was up at 5!  No wonder she was pooped!

She was under two blankets when I brought out dinner.  She picked a plate but it sat on the table.  She is not a big eater but last time we had fish sticks she ordered 7 and ate 4 ~ this time she ordered 4 and ate 0!  I was a little concerned but not really ~ she had eaten two servings of pineapple and a late lunch so I told her we would leave it in the oven for later just in case she got hungry and we went up to get into our jammies and find a movie earlier than usual.

When I looked over at 9:00 she was sleeping on her side wiped out!  I took the opportunity to run downstairs and have a cigarette.  I went back up five minutes later to find her awake ~ sitting in bed and vomiting in my bed!  (Good thing I had a comforter and two blankets on the bed!)

I wish I could say that I acted fast and well on my feet walking in munching on a fish stick from the oven, but that was not the case.  I told her it was okay and got her out of the bed before she hurled for the third time and told her "NOOOOO not in the bed" too late ~ She made it to the top of the stairs and sat down and let loose some more!

Finally my Mom skills kicked in ~ they have been dormant in the young sick kid stage ~ I cannot remember the last time one of my kids hurled!  I quickly gave her the trash can and we made it into the bathroom without incident.

We got her out of the mess and cleaned up and she phoned her Mom.  The parents arrived in a flash ~ my son had had the flu the week before (which he blamed on food!)  He wishes ~ the funny thing is ~ Ainsley thought it was the pineapple ~ the apple does not fall far from the tree indeed!)

I felt bad and was suddenly alone!  I was tired of the computer for the most part so I went up to my room and got out some paper and pencils and began to draw while listening to a movie.  Then I was on a mission to find my pencil sharpener which was not where it should have been, instead finding a bunch of cool stuff to fool around with at a later date, even after looking 4 places I was unable to locate a single sharpener so I went back to my room.

I picked up the book that I thought I would have done in a couple of hours ~ the story is good, like the movie was, so I have been pacing myself.  I stopped to watch Hansel and Gretel on the new Epic Channel, which got my interest and held it.

I called the boys and talked to Patrick and told her how Ains got sick and they were watching a movie so I just crashed.  Sunday I did have plans to usher and I was nervous as I have never ushered at the Theatre before without open seating.

I had a calm relaxing morning, preparing about an hour ahead of time what I was going to wear.  The old black and whites ~ choices and more choices.  I settled on a cream shirt with inlaid flowers ~ I love material that is kind of embossed.  I was going to wear the grey slacks but I was in a dressy kind of mood so I found one of my favourite black skirts with the yellow flowers that flows nicely and my long black sweater jacket that looks artsy.  The grey boots as opposed to the heels (my legs are not summer ready yet ~ they are still hibernating (and hairy) so I was good to go as long as it wasn't too cold out!

It was a bit breezy as I made my way to Barrington Stage Company for the St. Joe Production of "Young Frankenstein".  When I had gotten the email looking for volunteers, I kind of ignored it, not really my cup of tea I remember thinking.  When the Volunteer Coordinator phoned me I could not say no.  I accepted Sunday afternoon (Jean is the one person in the world that considers my safety as a walker so she hates to have me come at night if she can help it!)

I arrived early and Brad put me to work sorting the programs making sure we had the ones with flyers at the top of the stack before handing out the others.  It was a two hour production with a 15 minute intermission.  I wasn't sure if I would like it but I did, although I kept hoping the house lights would come on at any moment!

I was ready when they did ~ I needed my sweater back!  I was more than ready to stand up ~ my legs were so sore from sitting for an hour!  The sunshine was nice outside and I walked down to the store and grabbed a peanut butter cup as I realized I was hungry having forgotten to eat before arriving!

I made it back before the lights flashed, ate my snack and settled in for the second half of the play.  I thought it was pretty good all in all.  Some of the voices were a little weak but this is High School!  At the end of the play the Director Lillian Quinn announced her retirement from the School and Directing, and even thought I had no idea who she was I could tell she was a huge part of everyones lives and they hers.

The Senior Cast lined up and began thanking everyone and giving out flowers left and right and it was a very nice way to end the play indeed!  Mrs. Quinn will not soon forget it I am sure!  It was very touching all and all!

I still had to go to the store and get detergent to do my laundry afterwards.  I walked out and one of my Bosma cousins had been in the audience.  We chatted on the street and with some luck we will be getting together in the future!

Coming from a family as big as mine I recognized the face but of course pinpointing down which cousin is impossible without coming out and asking so I did!  I remember the summer that Valerie and I hung out on Bailey Road, where our family farm used to be.

It was the summer of the racoons and wandering the farm and the fields, riding her Dad's horse and sleeping over my Great Aunt's house while my favourite cousin June was away, and watching the baby racoons.  Alan-June's husband was Game Warden and I had the pleasure of being exposed to rescued wildlife, raccoons, baby deer, helping with the collecting eggs from the chickens and learning how to make fresh squeezed orange juice in the home that my great grandparents raised their family and where all of the family used to gather and have some great, fun times!

Now I am home, sipping my tea and getting ready to find out if I am watching Sunday evening show's myself or with my boy who is still at his brothers.  I may be a video game (widow??) and be on my own!  Oh well ~ life is still good!

My ArtWalk was fun. While I only have pictures from the show at the Lichtenstein Center for the Arts, it was not the only place in town.  The MarketPlace has some great pieces, but was full of diners and I hate to take pics with people eating, it seems rude to me.  I will be going back!  I enjoyed speaking with the artist Heili Teutsch or Adelheid Ingrid Teutsch, officially.

The Photos above are all from the 2014 BAA Fellowship Show which will be running from April 4 ~ 26th ~ all done by students.

Ivor Parry was at Steven Valenti's Clothing for men and I really liked the abstracts, but I was talking to the curator and forgot to take photos.

The B.C.C. Intermodel had a wonderful artist who also Sculpts and I enjoyed looking at his drawings and looking through his book of sculpture (always a fan of sculpture myself!)  I was also too busy talking to the artist than taking photos but I hope to return there as well! His name was Jonathan Magnotti, very promising young artist from Great Barrington whom I hope to see more from in the future!

I missed Jackie Kearns at B.M.C.  I never make it down to the hospital and will be making my way there during the week as well.  I love the work of Ms. Kearns...another artist to look out for in the future ~ I see great things coming out of that creative talent indeed!  One never to disappoint for sure!

My week is looking back to normal, meaning that Monday is normal and we shall see what the rest of the week brings.  If the weather is going to be nice I will be out with my camera and sharing plenty with you all!

I am making my way to the Season Premiere of Game of Thrones after a quick (very quick by the clock) bite to eat and a solo Sunday night of shows since my son is bagging me!  Oh well!  He needs that quality male bonding with his bro and his Dad ~ who can blame him!

After all he has done for me this week, making a huge effort with his schedule and helping me earn my license and selflessly using his hard earned money to treat us both to pizza I can forgive him for leaving me alone on a Sunday!

Friday, April 4, 2014


This has been a banner end of the week for me.  It is before 2:00 and I have successfully emptied my storage, moved my friend out of his apartment to earn my driver's license as he needed a driver, which I got yesterday without a hitch to be ready for our 9:00 a.m. truck pick up.

Larry arrived before 9 and Thomas got up while I rolled a few cigarettes and finished my tea before the three of us walked over to the Storage Business around the corner.  Everything was going smooth until it was time to use the debit card which isn't set up for debits!

Thankfully, between the two of us we had the amount needed to get the truck.  Somehow Larry did not secure storage the day before so we did a swap which meant me emptying mine out, then the owner needed to make sure everything was out which she did while we were unloading my stuff at my house and getting Larry's stuff out of his apartment.

Larry is a 72 year old man with health conditions and I knew he would be just about useless.  What I did not know was that the stairs to his apartment were steep and narrow.  There were two pieces of furniture which we had to wrestle with and Tom and I almost got killed by his 300 lb wardrobe when it let loose down the stairs we were at the bottom of!

The legs to the table were another thing.  I managed to get two of them off on one side and was determined to get it out cuz I own it now!!  It is a beautiful heavy solid piece of nice wood.  My son is pissed because that makes three tables, a breakfast bar and the table top to the very first table I ever bought now.  I think we are good with workspace now!

I can't tell you how amazingly good it feels to have all of my stuff which I have left in one place.  Now I know that when Tom (ex) let me keep my stuff in his garage he did not return all of it to me when he put my stuff outside and drove away when he arrived three years ago.  I knew it was a huge mistake to even trust the guy with my stuff ~ the lesson is learned from a few different directions from that guy ~ it didn't even bother me when he saw us helping Larry out and shook his head in disgust at the sight of me ~ I just laugh at that loser now!  Good riddance to bad pennies!

I will enjoy being a person in the world which irritates him to see, since I am and hope to continue to be until the day one of us dies ( I hope he goes before me!)  I am so glad that the sight of him doesn't phase me like I do to him!  As far as I am concerned he is a non entity.

I was changing a box of my favourite video cassettes into a less damaged box and realized there were a bunch of my cassette tapes in the box and I totally scored there.  I found the yellow cassette with all three of my boys ages 9 months, 4 years and 8 years in my box from a "jam session" they had at my best friends house in his music room which he taped all those years ago!

I thought it was lost and gone forever!  To hear their little boy voices as they did a show as "Patallica, and Vange Halen,  banging on the drums and Patrick at 4 singing the song to Arabian Nights is PRICELESS!!!!
It happens to be my most valuable possession.  I cherish it more than any/all of my books and you know how dear they are to me.

The most difficult part of the day ~ the wardrobe was even trickier to get in though the short door of the storage area.  We were done in a flash with only gassing the truck and the final paperwork for the storage container for Larry to complete.

We went to the gas station and Larry wanted to throw in $10.00 which I told him was too much so we put in $5.00.  I am glad we did because Gina, asked when she checked out the truck how we only went three miles and got everything done.  It wouldn't even have been that far except we had to drive to the gas station (one thing we don't have in our immediate neighborhood).

(This just reminded me to call and let them know I was unable to lock the stupid gas cap on the truck!) I am good at most things but not that one in particular.)

So we arrived back home to a half buried kitchen having just put some things which were basement things in the basement and the rest in the kitchen for in house storage.  My son called and ordered pizza with his money and my landlord came over to get his loot for another month.

Before my landlord and the pizza arrived I had my kitchen in order yet again.  Sorted shoved in closets and ready for another days worth of work sorting and repacking.  Now I have about 15 boxes to go through instead of 5.  Woe is me and Joyful am I both at the same time.

The only thing left really is to take apart my dining room table which I think I am going to use in my room and bring in the new table, put on the two legs and enjoy.  No leaf to put in it is one piece so that is cool.  That will motivate me to actually set my room up.

My room is always the last room in the house to be done.  I have only lived here two years going on three in May so it is about time for me to be settled in for sure.  My landlord said he found a new tenant ~ another "quiet lady".

He said that about the last one, so we shall see!  As long as she doesn't move 6 people in a one bedroom it will all be good, although I wish my girl Lisa had loved it!  Oh well.  Life is good and then some!  I am going to focus on the positive and enjoy this feeling for a while!

Thursday, April 3, 2014


My week got switched around with Monday's appointment switched to Wednesday ~ two reasons to get out of bed instead of one!!

Indeed it did change my week a bit with nothing too remarkable except for Tom continuing to make good steps in adjusting his schedule all week!  I am one happy MaMa!!!

Today (Thursday) has also been awesome, as I bartered helping a friend without a licensed driver move as long as he paid for my renewal.  After an hour and a half in the Registry I am not a licensed driver again!!!  I am one step closer to freedom!!

I will be crossing two things off my long list this week, including emptying my storage container tomorrow after we move my friends stuff out of his apartment.  I kind of forgot about the storage since I have been having that payment directly taken out of my account.  I can tell you that that money will come in handy in my pocket as opposed to theirs and I will feel better having the rest of our stuff here to go through.

That might just lead me to cross the major task of finishing organizing my junk.  I call it junk ~ honestly I cannot even remember what is where anymore my life has been in a semi constant state of chaos with things here and there and everywhere!

Like that basket of yarn I was untangling my life is beginning to be untangled and more in order!  It has taken so much time!!!  I am so stoked to make this tangled mess of loose ends neat and tidy and finished ~ I am ready to move forward!