Wednesday, April 30, 2014


I was just sitting here thinking how nice it was to have something to do this weekend since I got a call from the Volunteer Coordinator from Barrington Stage and now have a show Saturday and Sunday, when I suddenly realized that it is First Friday Artwalk this week as well.

I always love to hear from Jean, and she was a little surprised that I hadn't gotten my volunteer application in ~ something that got shifted to a pile during the Easter Cleaning Madness and overlooked as things have a way of happening ~ and time, one minute you blink and two weeks have gone by!

I had been waiting to secure my spots for my primary volunteering for BSC which I did weeks ago.  That one goes in my oops pile, but on the bright side, it is not too late and I am going to be a person that can be called who had the option to say yes or no.

I have had a great time every time I have ushered.  I am fairly new at it, but the thrill of the crowd, people anticipating an event, the excitement from the performers and patrons alike really does it for me.  I leave each event happy and feeling like I got the better end of the bargain by giving my time.

It has been a crappy kind of week with only one nice day out of three so far.  The rain and chill has decided to move in and pay a visit.  I had to turn my heat on to get the damp chill out and when I retrieved my garbage can from the street I noticed my new neighbor had her front door wide open which causes instant chill in my entire apartment due to poor insulation ~ with any luck it will be warm soon and it won't be an issue.  I am glad I control the heat, although I hope I don't have to keep turning it up to compensate for her heat flashes!

I roasted a chicken and streamed some potatoes for a nice chilly evening dinner.  Last night I had steamed up a bunch of red potatoes, baby carrots and broccoli which were a huge hit.  I love steamed veggies!  I am glad my son enjoyed them as well, enough to get away with steamed potatoes two nights in a row!

I have a feeling tomorrow is going to be much of the same weather wise so I plan on making a chicken soup with the carcass and left over chicken which will be good in a pinch as leftovers so no one will starve over the weekend.

I am down to two drawers left to organize before I have to think about phase two of the organization project.  I am thinking of organizing the five boxes in the corner of my room so that it will just be a contained mess out of sight anyway.  I really don't think I am up to tackling it all at once, and now with weekend plans I don't have to!

The green peppers are really catching up to the jalapenos as of earlier this afternoon ~ now if the rain would stop so I could turn the earth and prep the outdoors.  Not that I am ready to plant outdoors, these babies will have to graduate into a larger container before going outside.

My friend Lisa has an idea to turn this chained coop into an outdoor greenhouse for plants.  I am curious to hear her ideas.  It may be a fun project for the growing season.  I have been lacking productive and useful outdoor time.

All this walking and errands is wonderful (haha) but I need something hands on which shows results, which this little garden project will do, in the end anyway.  I also want a lesson on making indoor herb gardens as well.

I need to get back on task with my random cooking experiments outside of feeding the family too.  I have been kind of stalled in all areas it seems upon inspection.  Baby steps seem to be the way to go, it seems that I get more done when I say I am going to do nothing ~ I think it must be the lack of pressure which motivates me.

As you can see my "To Do" list just keeps filling up.  It always does!  Somehow, eventually I get it all done and the list still has more added to it!  That is life to be sure, for me anyway!

On a whim this afternoon I was window shopping in Fingerhut ~ I started my life of establishing credit through them all those years ago when I was a young Mom with no money who still had needs.  I found it really worked for me and I still have many of those products from those days.

Eventually they send you a credit card with outrageous interest, which they did for me the same week I got my first Citibank card.  So I decided to submit my application to see my credit worthiness and low and behold I got a limit!

I have been window shopping like I said,  not buying because I have resolve, but trying to decide how I want to begin this new adventure.  I am trying to decide between a set of dishes that match that are not my good, good ones; and a printer/scanner/copier.

Needless to say I need the dishes only because I would love to have them; I have narrowed them down to three choices.  The printer is a little different, I need a new one since my scanner is not working on my old one for some strange reason and I really want a printer.

They both would make my life easier for sure and both would make me happy so it is a toss up.  I am going to do what I normally do and sleep on it.  The dishes do cost less and would be easier to pay off quicker and the printer could be my second purchase...

I am definitely sleeping on it!

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