Tuesday, April 15, 2014


After acknowledging my overwhelmedness yesterday for the world to see I began to mentally process what work I needed to do ~ where I needed to begin.  After catching up on "The Americans" instead of heading downstairs to potentially stay up way too late, I turned on "Gone With The Wind" it hooked me ~ it was at the part where Rhett proposes to Scarlett and kisses her like a woman should be kissed and from there it was all over, no contest I stuck it out til the end.

I fell asleep to "Singing In the Rain" and slept soundly.  I had dreams which I can remember, a miracle in itself these days, hell these years, I miss my vivid dream life.  I dream in colour and sound and people, some whom I know and others I have not met yet.

I digress...I woke up once and it was early.  I remembered I had no cigarettes upstairs and I had to pee but it was too early to get up.  I looked and noticed my son had brought me a cigarette sometime between me falling asleep and then so I smoked it and ignored the urge to urinate, knowing that if I got up I would be up for the day.

I totally forgot about the eclipse.  When I woke up an hour and a half later I could no longer ignore the need for the bathroom.  It was after 9 so I got up and made my way downstairs, noting that my son actually slept in his room!  Yeah!  Another milestone (it will be a record if he sleeps in there two nights in a row!)

I felt pretty good.  I had a good session the day before with my doctor.  Well, I can't say what I discussed was good, because frankly it is something which bothers me deeply.  What was good was the process.  Also the connection that was made.  Saying words out loud which I do not like to even think about but once out the world did not end.

Since I also acknowledged everything I have to do to myself yesterday I began the day thinking of how to begin.  I don't just mean get a cup of tea, get on the computer and think about it ~ I prioritized a bit ~ I remembered the strategy ~ pick the worst and begin there, that way you can see the progress.

I was at the computer when I decided that the worst task and most necessary thing to start with (outside of the general major organization), was the computer room.  More specifically the computer table.  We share it and it is a filthy mess to be sure ~ it has gotten totally out of control with papers stacked along with everything except the kitchen sink.

I filled our two chairs with everything that was on the table ~ making a his and hers.  Most of it was mine as I do actual work on the computer aside from gaming.  The next chore was to wipe it down.  Like I said it was a filthy mess.  I am not proud of the condition of the computer table but we do spend a lot of time at our computers each and every day.

I thought about what else I could do once I got the table cleaned and the chairs empty ~ adding the papers to yet another pile of papers in the dining room, that one just about the same, but more currant.  Ashtrays ~ I thought.  I used to clean the ashtrays everyday.  I am ashamed to say that the last time they got a bath was two years ago before I moved into this house.

Those British ladies would be disgusted with me.  I thought about doing the microwave but thought twice.  Two major chores required a fun and simple chore to balance it out.  I decided to plant my peppers.  Yes, I am going to actually plant some veggies this year.

I bought seeds a couple of weeks ago.  I chose to plant some Sweet Peppers and some Very Hot Jalapenos, along with cukes and green beans.  I considered onions and may rethink the onions when I go back and get the basil since I killed the basil over the winter.

I planted one of the shooters from the spider plant for kicks and changed the water on the pineapple plant I have been trying to root.  No easy task but I am determined to root one this year it may work!  I checked the water on the avocado which is beginning to crack but no stem yet!

Since I planted in the kitchen I had to sweep the floor and get what little bits of soil fell to the floor (on purpose) so I killed two birds with one stone so to speak and swept the bathroom out just because it was next to the kitchen.

Thomas got up by then, just after noon ~ not too bad!  Although I had hoped to sweep out under the table to finish the room.  I let him do his thing and took a break and played a bit on the computer myself feeling pretty good about my progress overall.

I remembered to take food out for dinner ~ pulling out a pork roast to cut chops into for dinner ~ easy peasy right?  I put some potatoes in the over and pulled the meat out of the fridge where it was thawing all day in order to cut the chops.

That was when I realized this was the chicken and not the chops.  Damn, we just had chicken the night before so I swore at myself and decided to make some pancakes for dinner instead with some brown and serve to go with our baked potatoes.  Weird I know but I just don't want chicken again.  Pancakes are cooking right now since I just realized it five minutes ago.

I finally got to write the 7th part of my ongoing Fiction ~ UNEXPECTED ~ which I will put the link to here for your consideration.


I don't know why on the days which I get so much done it feels like I have done less than on the days when I get nothing done.  I have put a dent so to speak in my long list and look forward to seeing my seeds sprout into little pepper plants!

Work, Science = FUN to me!

Time to flip the pancakes!  Happy reading everyone!

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