Saturday, April 19, 2014


I was pleasantly surprised by a visit from my middle son and his Dad on Thursday evening.  This on top of my planned get together with my granddaughter was making an already wonderful week even better!  Patrick and his Dad are like Tom and I ~ we like to stay home, so when they come over to our house it is always great for me.  It wasn't even the holiday yet!

A bonus of the evening was the awesome ability to connect with my son's Amazon Prime account so now we can watch the first season of the Vikings!  I am so excited I cannot wait to find some time to watch and catch up with the show!

Friday morning rolled around too early for me for sure.  I was plagued with the inability to sleep more than an hour at a time and when my alarm went off I hit the snooze and then completely shut it off the second time~ planning on being up and in the shower before Ainsley arrived so I would be rip roaring and ready to go ~ like most plans that one did not work out ~ I awoke on my own at 7:10 and they were due to arrive at 7:30.  Not wanting to take the timing chance, I made a tea and had a smoke, trying my best to wake up before they arrived.

Lisa brought Ainsley and we were all in the same boat ~ feeling like it was much too early to be up and at 'em.  We all were happy and smiling despite the early hour.  Lisa headed off to work and Ainsley and I settled right into the dining room and crafting our Ceramic Easter eggs so they would be ready for Sunday.

After we painted a bit it was time for breakfast.  Ainsley decided on Pancakes and sausage which was perfect.  My new pancake batter is better than Aunt Jemima I have found and I hope I can get my hands on some more of it ~ if you have not tried it Krustez is amazing!  Light and FLUFFY pancakes every time!

We had breakfast watching the Disney Channel and then it was time to play some more.  Ains wanted to play stuffed animals and not the general public ones that were downstairs so we headed up to Gramma's private stock and picked out our companions.

I chose one of my favorite Teddy Bears and my little dog that reminds me of Leonardo (my gone, but not forgotten Terrier Poodle) and she picked my Purple Unicorn with wings after I gave it up to her and a bear with a nice blue winter coat.

It was warmer upstairs in my room so we played up there and somehow got exploring my jewelry boxes with all my odds and ends.  She found two necklaces full of fairy dust I had bought about 10 years ago for no particular reason other than I could.  It seems like yesterday there was a reason as now we have matching  (although with different colour fairy dust) necklaces.

We found a board game of Hangman in the closet as well and played about 10 games in between it all as well.  She is missing her cousins who moved down south.  It became evident when I was losing because she was using their names as the words I was supposed to guess!

This is going to be her first Easter without them and she is already feeling lonely for them two days early.  We talked about it at great length and decided that when we went out we would get them an Easter gift to send down so they know she is missing them.

I had planned on getting her a little something anyway so after a couple of more games I got in the shower and then when I was done she decided that she wanted to take a shower as well.  She had arrived in jammies and needed to get dressed as well so it worked out great.

We made our way up to the store and stopped in at the playground and played there for our first time this season.  Since we only had an hour and a half left to spend together since she was getting picked up at 2:00 (much to my dismay), we made our way to the Rite Aide to check out their Easter Surplus.

Since they put everything out way too early for holidays, what was left was already on sale and Clearance.  After some serious deliberation she decided on a toy fishing pole which was just her size with 5 magnetic fish to catch for herself and a couple of TY stuffed animals for Joey and Haley.

There was no stopping at the Park on the way back through.  The large groups of children were intimidating to both of us and we wanted to check out the new toys before Jeffrey arrived to snatch her away.  Thomas had awoken to an empty house as he called while we were out, but had gone back to sleep before we got back.

We had liberated my M&M dispenser collection from a box earlier while we were looking for more paper money to go with the 18 dollars she had found the last time.  No paper money found but we did empty a box and clean up the dusty dispensers and checked out how cool they were.  I had almost forgotten about them.

While she played with her fishing pole I got them out of the middle of the floor and remembered to put the clothes in the dryer so it would not be an  "all play" kinda day.

Since she had a lateish breakfast I was worried about lunch before Jeff arrived.  She opted for pineapple over everything else.  I do hope that I get that pineapple to grow some roots so we can enjoy a fresh grown pineapple before she is 16 since they take so long to produce fruit ~ that would really be something!

She tried to hide when we heard the car in the driveway.  She was too excited to stay hidden for too long, eager to tell Jeff she had seen him working in the Van while we were on North Street.  She was certain he had spotted us and a little disappointed that he hadn't I think, but excited to share it with him anyway.

I love how much they love each other :))))))!!!!  It does my heart good to see and feel the love that they have for each other ~ my little family is awesome!  We gathered everything together and headed out to the car, got some hugs and wished Happy Easter all the way around.  I was beat, but it was so much fun!  I had a great day as always spontaneously hanging with my little munchkin!

Thomas was going over to Patricks so I got him up so we could spend some time together before Patrick came over again.  We hung out and watched some t.v. after a bit of time on our computers.  I decided to heat up the sauce and make some dinner as it was getting well into dinner time by then.

Of course Patrick showed up as I was cooking Pasta.  He was not in a hurry for a change and was without his Papa so the three of us hung out and they played some pretty awesome Motorcycle game on the PS4 while I made some food and watched them.

Patrick even had a couple of meatballs which is rare.  He of course critiqued my food and I knew I was in for it since he got one of the ones full of less than finely chopped onions.  He is so funny!  It was hard not to laugh in his face when I was defending my lack of skill.  Finally I just agreed (after I tried to convince Thomas to side with me that is!)

He also gave me a heap of crap about my necklace with the Fairy Dust which I had forgotten I was wearing. Of course I had to ask him how he even knew it was Fairy dust???? !!!???  The boys left and I was totally beat by that time to be sure.  I put away the food and enjoyed a most peaceful and tranquil nights sleep.

Plans are set for tomorrow and I know what I am doing.  I still do not know what time dinner is which is not unusual.  Since we don't stress stuff like that it is all good!  The most major task I have to do is put away the art stuff and tidy up the diningroom again and convince myself that the living room is fine and I should wait before I move everything else around once again.

I decided to write and share as a distraction from biting off more than I can chew, although in my head, it would take no time to do the living room, I just do not have a clear vision yet that doesn't involve moving three bookcases full of heavy books.

I am off for now and truly will not be back before Sunday so do have a wonderful and Happy Easter!

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