Shoes off, son cooking dinner in the kitchen, dinner at 1:30 a.m December 20, 2012. A pre-birthday dinner, actually late dinner as I have been non stop action all day beginning with over sleeping my alarm by a lovely hour and a half, making my shower and rush to the doctors more urgent, less time to do my ritual tea and computer, backgammon, check stats and notifications.
A dear friend stopped by before my doctor's appointment, had a tea, and offered up a ride, a rare and welcome treat on this cold December day. Lovely visit with the water table at the chiropractor and another two weeks between appointments was another good sign - only feeling the need to call him three times during the last two weeks - and not doing it, a marker still for the coming two weeks and seeing if my stubbornness and will win out or my pain. I usually win, so I lose.
So, a brisk walk home from Dr. Tosk, and no sooner did I get in the door then my friend Jennet called and wanted to deliver my birthday/Christmas presents so I would have a treat for my birthday, and another ride to help out my friend Wendy at her cool vintage boutique where I got my awesome Velvet Cocktail dress which I got to wear what seems like ages ago, to the Red Lion Inn.
A whirlwind of an afternoon with visits from strangers who will be good friends, although Lisa lives in Florida and is going back tomorrow, I am glad she popped in and we shared a lengthy conversation not once but twice as she came back with our mutual acquaintance Mike and we all visited and looked around the shop at all the cool clothes!
Before I knew it that part of my day was done and sweet Wendy Darling gave me a ride home! (Three rides in one day!!!) Where I began to begin my cookie baking, wanting to be prepared in case Wendy's daughter is sick tomorrow (or today, Thursday), having already lost six valuable cookie hours. Of course then my son and his friend Al decide to visit, hanging out as I prepared cookie dough for my Italian Bon Bons, my Aunt Josephine's recipe, a large order as they make over ten dozen cookies and need to be frosted, my goal was to bake those so that I would have the bulk, (ha ha) of it done; the ha, ha, being, that I am making at least 8 other cookies, three of which require more than mixing and baking.
So I did get those mixed, amidst three hulking boys hovering and talking and laughing and just being there, having a good time watching me, my son deciding it was a good time to make a fried egg, while I mixed up chocolate chip and Oatmeal cookie dough just to keep on schedule.
While doing so, my good friend Sunday arrived, after her Christmas Party at work and she joined us in the kitchen, even helping me free a bag of brown sugar from a container which had eaten it and would not release it to me, one handed.
After a while Pat and Al left and Sunday and Tom went into the living room to play some WII and wait for me to take a cigarette break. Then Mike got out of work and came over to retrieve his vacuum (I know he was hoping some samples were ready,) but mixing was underway and baking was a little later!
Once Mike departed I got back to work I got my trusty pans, brought them and my dough into the living room and spooned cookie dough out, oven heated and ready to create yummy goodness, I prepared for that mission! One hundred and eleven cookies later, cookies cool, dough refrigerated, dishes done, I get a minute to listen to someone else in the kitchen.
What a great night! I am even prepared for the next two days (having set a strict deadline for Friday afternoon cookie completion) looking at a possible minus six hours Thursday and a definite loss of Friday morning until after 11 a.m., I am confident I shall succeed!
I have not done this in so long and I can't wait for my friends and family to enjoy my treats as much as I am enjoying planning and making them!\Thanks for reading and sharing the beginning of my 46th year with me!!! I think my dinner is just about ready!!! Have sweet dreams or a great day!!!
2 A.M. and still thriving ~ here's to 46 more years!