The past couple of days have been deliciously relaxing when my tooth isn't killing me! I have been trying to ignore my aching mouth for the past month or so, because of two reasons first I have been really busy and that is a grand excuse not having the time, the second is fear.
I am thankful that I have been busy. It is easier to distract from a toothache if you have something to distract with. The problem with this one is that I can't figure out the specific location - just the right side of my face - the pain isn't really localized. It is also definitely nerve pain. I have been going to the dentist regularly and have another scheduled appointment soon. My fear lies in what the dentist told me the last time I was there.
I don't mind losing teeth, they can pull them if they need to, I just need my teeth. I have grown rather attached to them over the years. The problem for me is that the dental clinic if they hit a nerve during filling a tooth means that they pull the tooth. I had to make them repeat that. My brain can't conceive that notion, considering we are talking front teeth it freaks me out. I don't mind root canals either, actually had one once and really enjoyed watching the dentist through his glasses. I could have been a dentist in a past life.
I have never really been a vain person. I used to take pride in my appearance - had to be together with a "T" before I walked out the door when I was younger. Mostly, I don't really care - neat hair, clean face, body and clothes, unless I sneak to the store really quick and throw a hat on (who hasn't?) . I barely even look in the mirror these days. I am not one of those women who stroll about in public in pajamas although I do not mind trying to get away with having pajama days (just not out of the house).
I know I will feel better if I do go to the dentist. We got hit with a snowstorm today and yesterday I went around thinking it was Monday and the clinic was closed. Christmas really scrambled my calendar! I guess tomorrow I will have to buck up and be a big girl! It is Friday and I would hate to be trying to deal with this for yet another weekend!
The mind is a funny thing and here I go...facing one big fear after another. The dentist did lead to the chiropractor and hopefully the trust grows so I can get the courage to seek out a primary doctor and get my health back in order. Another New Year goal I hope to achieve!
How did things go at the dentist?