Friday, December 14, 2012


First I would like to thank you all for showing me back the love yesterday when I needed some extra goodness sent my way!  I am blessed by you all!  I think it worked because I got a lot done and by the end of the day I was very satisfied and happy overall!

When I began my blog I had no idea what to expect and as I am not a professional writer, just someone who can express myself better on paper rather than in speaking, although I am getting more comfortable with people in general either way.  I do not feel as awkward or socially inept as I once did.  I think it is also the fact that I care less what people think do or say, unless of course it directly affects me in a negative way.  I still have no idea where my blog is going.  When I feel inspired to share something I just write.  

It is a personal journey of exploration.  I feel that is vague enough and vast enough to include just about anything.  I have been a closed up and broken person for far too many years and I can feel myself changing. I think writing this blog and expanding my world through the Internet is a huge plus in that area.  Also expanding my world in my hometown, looking at it not from a teenager's eyes, but through the eyes of an adult.  Doing adult things and having adventures which I never envisioned myself doing!

What a great time it is to expand.  The city I live in is trying to revive going more cultural and it is a big Art, music and Theater Crowd.  We have always had great musicians and when I was a teenager the only two things to do around here besides get into trouble were "Boys Club Dances" on Friday nights or Roller Skating.  Both of which I enjoyed very much.  Along with my summers at my Grandparent's cottage on the Lake.  Life did have its pleasures in between all the drama and adolescence in general.

Today I write to 


To me the response in readership, shares and comments are very positive I never even thought anyone would read it and I am energized and revived by what I feel is a good response in readership.  I hope to get some direction and order and a little less random order.  It is a total learning experience and much more fulfilling than backgammon!  (I love backgammon by the way)  Have a wonderful day and don't forget to share the love!

1 comment:

  1. ~ you never know ~ just as a singer needs her song a writer needs her words ~
