Tuesday, February 4, 2014


Today we celebrated the birth of my youngest son, Thomas.  He has not had too many successful and Happy Birthdays, not for lack of trying, usually stuff just seems to happen to distract from it in a very weird way so I wanted this year to be a good one.

Last minute person that I am, I had no idea what the celebration was going to look like.  I had very minimal input from any one ~ so much so that at 2:00 a.m. we were just going to have cake and I would call if I got to the store and found anything appealing to all and doable.

When I woke up, after having slept a few hours on it, and reviewing the fundages for the month, I decided we could do Pizza and five minutes after I thought that thought ~ my always intuitive son woke from his slumber at the early hour of 10:30 a.m. and asked if we had any money could we do ....Pizza (we said it simultaneously).

I was, as a matter of fact messaging his best friends in Williamstown to invite them for a impromptu birthday celebration before I headed out and picked up Tom's traditional Funfetti Cake and frosting.  Pizza saved me a huge walk from one end of town to the other end.

As it happened I stopped in the Pharmacy to check on laundry detergent and my brand was on sale and there was a $3.00 off coupon and a Pod sample as well.  I saved money and got something free and I almost walked by!

I rushed home, walked in the door and turned on the oven.  Grabbing a bowl and the utensils I quickly mixed up the batter and decided to make cupcakes.  I struggled to release the muffin tins from their entanglement on the baking shelf.

Those cupcakes were in the oven before you could say ahoy mate ~ while they were cooking I threw the laundry in the washer and made a cup of tea.  Even I was amazed at my time ~ just about an hour I deserved a break while they were baking.

I had phoned the guys to inform them of the definite plans for dinner requesting their presence between 6 and 7.  Early dinner for us lately.  I had not had confirmation besides ~ Great from Taylor and John had not responded.  Niko is off on the Island working so we were either looking at 4 or 6.

I finished packing up what I could of the Christmas stuff.  I seemed to run out of containers.  With a few things left on the shelf and the tree tucked into the corner I was just about satisfied and ready for our surprise gathering.

The cupcakes were frosted and decorated, dishes done and I was ready.  The only problem was Sleeping Beauty.  I rousted him up and into the shower and Ainsley phoned to wish him a Happy Birthday.  I told her to call back in 10 minutes but Tom called her about five minutes later (she wanted to surprise him!)

I wasn't sure how much pizza to order not knowing my total and getting no response from North County.  I knew they would come so I ordered two Pizzas and right after that John and Taylor arrived!  These two kids are like my long lost sons who went to college or something.

I had called Pat right after I ordered the Pizza knowing that they will always be 10 to 20 minutes later than they say.  We hung out and caught up a bit and took bets on who would show up first ~ the pizza or Pat and Bruce.

Pat and Bruce arrived just before the pizza.  Pat is on a mad search for video games from his youth and tore into each of my closets not finding what he was looking for ~ but involving me in his mad obsession and leaving a tornado path of destruction and disorder around him!

I got him down for pizza and we all sat and I enjoyed once again the calm tranquility and camaraderie of my inner circle of family.  I miss those times having been spoiled with them everyday and multiple times a day surrounded by the calm chaos of a gathering of the tribe.

He set it right and we went down and had cupcakes.  They refused to sing Happy Birthday but that was okay!  Tom and his friends decided to play Smash Bros a ritual when they get together; and Pat and Bruce hit the highway.

For the first time in I don't know how many years Tom finally had a good birthday!  I am glad he did!

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