Monday, July 29, 2013


I should be headed to bed instead of posting.  I am a bit tired, although I did far less today than I did yesterday.  Sleeping well until the phone rang too early for Sunday morning, which I chose to ignore.  I was not ready to face the day, let alone have a conversation with a live person.

I was feeling pretty tired, despite the sleep I finally got.  Everything catching up to me from the day before. Achy and sore, I decided to get up and move around instead of try to get any more sleep ~ the cell phone began to ring, so I walked by without answering headed away from it to the kitchen to make some tea.

With the tea in the microwave, I turned on the computer ~ the only real life interaction I was ready for, washed the plate and bowl left over from the night before and made my tea and tried to wake up my brain with some games.

I was thankful that Tom's dad was not camped out on my doorstep, as he promised to come down in the morning and help me with Tom's room ~ which I had put off the day before.  Tom was on the couch as usual, even though he didn't start out there last night.

I decided to answer the phone after the fourth time.  Knowing it was my ex Dave who calls on Sunday's while his girlfriend is at church to hang out and read the paper and have tea and kill some time until she phones for a ride.

We were having a talk about some current event when Tom's dad knocked on the door and soon the three of us were having tea in my kitchen.  There is a first time for everything, and this was definitely a first. Everyone played nice, which was reassuring and soon we were outside.

I noticed the flowers by the driveway, which the landlord just had weeded two days before were being choked out by the weeds so I, out of habit began weeding the flowers.  You know it is bad when the weeds are healthier than the flowers!

As I was doing so, I thought I saw my landlord drive by out of the corner of  my eye, and a few minute later he was in the driveway telling me he had another property that needed weeding ~ although he did point out that this one was just weeded.  I wonder if the large pile of weeds next to me was any indication of how well his help knows what a weed is, I for one could not tell.

He left and Dave soon followed and Tom's Dad and I went into the house when the phone rang and my friend was telling me about her weekend and asking me if I could walk the dog around 2.  I, as usual was stoked to do so.

The mystery of the chickens was solved as well, sort of, but now at least I know that they are not my friends or Alchemy's and they sometimes "get out" although they are not supposed to be free range chickens in the city. I told her how I got them back in the coop, mainly out of concern that they would get hit by a car or cause an accident surprising a driver just by it's presence ~ stranger things have happened!

It was going on 11 so I had to put off the room rearrangement until after I returned from the dog walk.  I still needed to get out of my p.j.'s and take a shower before I headed out so Tom's Dad took off so I could get ready.

It began clouding up, so I checked the weather channel to see when the cloud was going to burst.  I got lucky, must have rained while I was in the shower, because it was only sprinkling lightly when I went out which was barely noticeable.

The chickens were walking around the yard again when I arrived at my friends house, but, now knowing it is not something which I should concern myself with I set off to get the dog and take our walk.  She greeted me with a couple of barks until she saw it was me and she ran over for her pets excitedly, more vocal than usual. I gave her some pets before we headed into the hall for her leash and we went on our way.

Thomas was up when I returned and soon his Dad arrived for the third time in two days to help me with the room.  With the three of us, it was vacuumed and the furniture rearranged in less than 25 minutes (not counting the clothes being put away or the bed being remade).  It took more time, as usual in beginning the job than the job actually took!

We went back downstairs, satisfied at the job we had done working as a team.  Assuring the ease of adding a bed and a dresser for two weeks.  Thomas was amazed at all of the room that he gained in his room, and the addition of the A/C in his stifling hot room should keep him there during the night!

I traded the task of dinner to Thomas as I set to work on the laundry from his room.  Fresh sheets and blankets on top of a freshly cleaned room are always a bonus.  He skillfully fried some kielbasa and onions for dinner and we set off to warm up for our Sunday night shows with the first episode of Downton Abbey Season 3.

I grabbed the clean clothes from the machine and folded during the show and he cut some cheddar cheese to snack on while we were watching as well.  We had time before our shows began to stretch our legs and that was about it, as we geared up to find out what happened in True Blood and Newsroom.

Like I said, I should be sleeping, as Monday is Monday, but I am caught up pretty well on my house, dishes, laundry and only have one obligation (that I know of) and that isn't until 2:00 in the afternoon.  Maybe the later hour will allow me some deeper sleep ~ who knows.

I did get to spend some time on Google today, catching up with some previous posts and comments and some new art and "eye candy", filling my page with a few things here and there throughout the day, but not really interacting too much with anyone ~ timing is everything and I have been away so long I am not sure when "interesting" people are around anymore.

I really  need to start hanging out there more!  There are an amazing array of great artists and photographers and I need to catch up for sure!  It gets trickier in the summer I think to keep up with the social media, as for me anyway, my life and outdoor "real" world interactions occur more frequently.

Good luck with making Monday an awesome day!

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