Sunday has definitely not been a day of rest for me, thankfully ~ I am finished with all that I have to do, after making the executive decision after walking the dog for the second time, opting to do grinders instead of cook so I can relax in front of the fan and the television for my Sunday night "date" with my son to watch not one but two shows this fine evening with the return of "Newsroom" on H.B.O. this evening.
This day had more in store for me than I realized ~ me thinking it would be an easy Sunday with nothing but dog walking duty ~ but it began with an unexpected visit with a good friend full of wonderful conversation over a cup of tea. I was trying to finish "Catcher in the Rye" which I find to be a slow and agonizing "quick" read ~ quick read my Aunt Judy ~ lol, any excuse not to polish off the last twenty pages ~ the phone call did it!
After my old friend left to carry on his day ~ with my new lighter ~ I might add ~ I decided it might be a good idea to take my girl Sheyna for her walk. That was when the humidity hit! Walking to her house, I decided a trip to the store for a large slushie was in order for the adventure.
We did about a twenty minute walk when I noticed that the dog was in need of some water herself, so we headed back to her home, as we were around the corner, checking out a couple of patches of grass along the way before arriving at our destination.
I decided to do my errands of the day ~ needing tubes for tobacco at one end of the main street, and a trip to the supermarket which seemed twice as far today! I found a breeze down the alley by the Beacon Cinema, where I decided to enjoy the music and a sit down before heading the rest of the way to the market, noting to myself that I would be stopping there on the return trip for a rest before making my way to my home.
Of course, I went in the supermarket for cool whip and came out with five things. Not too bad, until I realized that I had paid cash for my groceries and it was my food stamp day ~ live and learn ~ all I can think is that the sun was more brain scrambling than I realized since I was getting the cool whip for my friend Cindy's birthday strawberry shortcake, which was on the 13th! I made it almost home when my friend who had stolen my lighter called me a block from my house to return my lighter, it was close, but I gratefully accepted the ride.
I was grateful to be home, and much in need of a rest after my long walk in the humidity. The strain was magnified due to the fact that I chose to play badminton at Sonya's house again yesterday before her guest arrived for her pre-Tanglewood gathering for West Side Story. My friend was in the front yard doing a wonderful job at trimming the hedges, while Sonya and I prepped for her guests and got some non aggressive badminton volleys in without the men and their super competitive egos we did quite well.
New acquaintances began arriving ~ people I had met on the Fourth of July, and my friend finished the hedges and we both had just enough time to change before heading to Great Barrington to the Mahaiwe Performing Arts Center, as we had other obligations which did not include Tanglewood.
We checked out an Art opening in the Vault Gallery. There was no artist in attendance but the paintings were delicate and the color was enhanced by the lighting, and there really was an old bank vault that went with the name ~ it was cool.
We arrived at the Performing Arts Center with some time to spare. My friend was volunteering and as luck would have it, I was able to procure a spot as well, although I had never volunteered there before, and I was not properly dressed in black and white.
We folded the inserts and stuffed the booklets to hand out to the patrons for the showing of "Copperhead" with a question and answer session after the movie with the Director Ron Maxwell and the writer. It was an interesting movie on the Civil War based on the novel by Harold Frederic about the conflict and strife one man and his family had to endure for not backing the Civil War and the freeing of the slaves taking place in upstate New York.
It was quite enlightening. I love history of all sorts, and I had never heard of the term Copperhead before in reference to the Civil War. I learned quite a bit to say the least about history and sociology as well. It had some touch and go moments when you were wondering how it was all going to work out in the end, and in the end it all worked out, but my goodness ~ what a journey!
After the movie I headed outside to be slapped in the face by the heat after the nice cool theatre. I struck up a conversation with the Director's daughter who missed the grand opening and was making this her grand opening. She had gone to school in the area and was utilizing her time catching up with old friends while she was in town.
After the Q & A we headed over to the Gypsy Joynt which was rocking big time with people inside and out having a good time and dancing and singing! We ordered some food and found a table and I could not absorb with my eyeballs all there was to see on the walls and all around me. It was a great place to hang out and spend a Saturday night with a great crowd. Someplace I will recommend and go back to in the future.
It was getting late when we headed back to Pittsfield. We had a great discussion about the movie and the Civil War and before I knew it I was home and too exhausted to do much more than fall into bed ~ asleep within a half hour!
I am now looking forward to a nice cool shower in the scant 45 minutes I have before my shows are on. How nice that fan is going to feel!
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