What a beautiful day to celebrate our Earth! The sun is shining and it looks like Spring is coming to our area, slower than most would like, but still you cannot deny the buds and blooms poking their way out to say hello, we are back!
I remember years ago, 16 or so, when I had the opportunity to take a vacation to Florida with my youngest son. He had never been on a trip on an airplane and he and I headed down to my favourite place, Pompano Beach, where my Dad had resided with a roommate from up in Massachusetts. He was not living there at the time, but his roommate and I had been friends for a while so he graciously let us come and stay at his home.
I loved going there. My "room" was always the same, in the back with a door out to the pool. It was my home away from home so to speak. Whenever I got weary or stressed out too much it was my retreat. This time my little man got to accompany me!
We had the best time! I remember it was Earth Day as well, so my friend's girlfriend at the time and her youngest daughter took a field trip to a park some miles away to go participate in an Earth Day Celebration one Saturday.
It was a lot of fun with crafts and games for the kids and hiking trails and an egg hunt, as Easter was in there at the same time as well. My son did a craft project and we hiked the trails and I was amazed to realize there were actually wooded areas in Florida.
Most of my experiences in Florida were in cities, like Pompano and Miami and Fort Lauderdale ~ not too many wooded areas there, many beaches, highways and large buildings and traffic! I was amazed by the calm beauty of the woods. We participated in a ceremony to celebrate the Earth and there was a demonstration of these singing bowls which were really cool as well. We had so much fun, we totally forgot to pick up my sons artwork on the way out!
During this trip, my son also learned to swim in my friends pool! I am sure he had an awesome time and we were both sad to leave. On the return flight home, he got to sit in the row in front of me with his own window seat! I am sure that nothing topped that experience for him as of yet!
It is important that we all take the time and do something to celebrate the earth today, even if it is as small as just enjoying the sun! Plant a tree, conserve some energy, walk instead of drive. Our planet is very important to our survival. Without it, we would be homeless, and I for one kinda like this place!
Have a great Earth Day everyone!!!
thanks for sharing!