Wednesday, June 12, 2013


Yesterday was a day of firsts for me.  First, I was a half hour early with my son for his appointment at the doctors ~ unheard of in the history of my life!  It was not the greatest thing in the world, however, since the doctor was 45 minutes behind and it made our wait very long!

I had a luncheon with a friend, something we have not done in quite a while.  Of course, it had gotten postponed from Sunday, and the meal that I was going to make had to be tossed as the fish had turned a little off.

Not one to be put out by such a small obstacle, I was going to make a Shepherd's Pie for lunch since I had the burger out and massive quantities of potatoes in the house, yet, the excess time at the doctor's office put a whammy on that as well, so I went for Jen's Famous Burgers and homemade french fries.

With 20 minutes before company arrives, Thomas and I set off chopping onions, garlic and mixing the burger, preparing the potatoes and cleaning up the kitchen ~ rather, I cleaned and delegated and ran around getting everything in order before our guest arrived.

Lunch was good, along with the company and the conversation.  Of course the weather was uncooperative, so I accepted a ride to do some errands and due to the fact that I was flying by the seat of my pants and did not prepare dessert, I decided that ice cream would be in order while we were out.

Limited freezer space made the choice really easy ~ settling on a Friendly's Ice Cream Roll ~ something I feel three people could in reality polish off at one setting, or at least enough to wrap the remainder to squeeze in somewhere in the limited freezer space.  The guys were not up for the task however, although, I must admit, I ate my two pieces no problem!

My son and I afterwards spent our afternoon side by side on our computers, conversing and laughing about the fun of the day.  Me, trying to persuade him to come with me to the Y Bar later, to check out the artwork, which I knew he would appreciate, and him declining the invitation.

I was determined not to be deterred by the rainy weather.  By the time I left the first time around 6 o'clock, I had a few raindrops falling, but not horrific downpouring.  I arrived to find that I was too early again ~ twice in one day ~ totally unheard of!

I phoned my friend Diane, the one person I knew who would certainly know when the Y Bar was open, correctly so, and found that it would be more than an hour before they opened, and that she was heading up at a little before 8 in order to attend a Word X Word reading.

I decided to hit the pharmacy and get some supplies and headed home for a large cup of tea to kill  my hour before I departed again.  Still full from dinner myself, and I am sure, all that ice cream, I told my son he could cook while I was gone, or wait for me, as he was still full himself.

I was touched when my great-grandmother's cousin (?) whom I recently became acquainted with offered me a ride so I would not get wet, but with only a 30 % chance of rain, I declined the ride.  What made the offer so very nice was that she was not even going, she just offering to prevent me from possibly getting wet again, which was a wonderful act of kindness which really warmed my heart!

I headed out at the appropriate time, arriving before 8 and headed into the gallery.  I did not see my friend yet and the place was filling up, so I headed outside to have a quick cigarette.  Horrible habit, but addictions are addictions, and very hard to break for sure!

I spotted my friend inside, looking at me disapprovingly for smoking, so I snubbed my butt and headed inside.  After introductions around the crowded table, I settled into a chair which I was lucky to have and proceeded to have one of the best times in recent history!

The "story-tellers" had 4 minutes to tell a tale about mistaken identity.  There were three judges who scored each story teller, with cheers and boos all around depending on whether the crowd agreed with the scoring!  It was so much fun to be involved, although not a storyteller myself!  It takes a lot of courage to get up there I am sure!  No two stories were alike, most made you laugh, and everyone had so much fun!

My son phoned me three times during this, wondering where I was and on the third call told me he was making dinner, which was fine ~ except I had to turn my phone down to vibrate.  I was quite unaware at how much time had passed, and he met me in the park on my way home to walk with me.

After I check some things on the computer, it was 11:00, so we went up to watch some t.v. and chill before bed.  The day that I thought could not get any better did, when I put on the t.v. and "His Girl Friday" was on with Cary Grant and Rosalind Russell ~ a great comedic team to be sure, and one of my favorites!

We watched the whole thing together, but it wasn't long after it was over that I physically needed to crash.  The only obligation I had was getting the garbage out in the morning so I set an alarm and slept very well after such a fun filled day!

Who knew that a Tuesday could be so much fun!  I look forward to penciling in Tuesdays at the Y Bar for more Word X Word fun in the future!  What a great crowd, crew and time!

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