Friday, June 21, 2013


With Summer Solstice came summer temperatures.  Finally!  I am so excited, yet drained by the heaviness of the air after a very long and busy day as I write this blog.

Yesterday was Third Thursday, and I thoroughly enjoyed myself as I had no doubt that I would with the wonderful music on three different stages and also random acts in the street as well.  I got my fill of Blues, Jazz and Percussion and a bit of Dixieland as well.  To be sure my feet were very sore after walking between performances and back again.

As usual I ran into so many people.  Some I almost half expected to see, along with some major surprises, including, but not limited to the man who inspired me to write this blog after reading his blog.  He gave me the most genuine feedback, which was most refreshing, reassuring and needed!

I felt so invigorated after speaking with Richard, for a solid 20 minutes, and even picked up a book he recommended that I read, as he told me I have horrible taste in books, which, considering I got sucked into a 1300 page period drama which put me off of reading a bit, I was thankful to begin a book by Kurt Vonnegut, whom, I am surprised to say I have never read before, but I am finding really refreshing and fun.

I took a very long last look at the works of Michael Rousseau and his Salon Style show at the Y Bar.  I was amazed, after speaking with Mr. Rousseau, that the show was four years worth of work.  I still can't pick a style of his work which I like more.

There are so many amazing qualities to the paintings, and they do vary greatly between his pieces, between the lights, shadows, vibrancy and subject matter.  They come to life from every angle and the more I look, the more details come to life.  I look forward to seeing what comes next for this talented young artist!

Due to the bad weather during the First Friday Artwalk, Diane did a Redux of her show she curated at the Litchtenstein, which I also went to look at closer.  She did a wonderful job, the placement of the pictures were great!  One of the most amazing paintings was headed for the Springfield Museum!!

It was quiet there and she told me of Sheyna, (her rescue terrier poodle), they had gone to the country that day and visited her friend who has horses and Sheyna had a great time running around and trying to get the horses to play with her!  I can picture her now having the time of her life, not intimidated by horses much greater than she, who could crush her in one step!!!

Back in the mid 90's I used to go with my friend Sharon and hear this band Ruby, and last night I happened upon three out of the seven members.  The percussionist (I am a freak for drums!!) was playing and it has been 15 years at least since they haven't been together...I think it is time for a Ruby Reunion myself, now I just need to convince the band!

I happened to be walking home after the festivities when my across the street neighbor happened upon me, she accompanied me to the store and we walked home together.  It was awesome to have the chance to get to know her.  I am a person that waves and says hello regardless of if I know you or not, especially my neighbors, after all, it is only neighborly.   I look forward to future conversations and as she lives across the street I am sure we will have them.

Scott Taylor is also doing a repeat of his show "Crossroads" this evening and tomorrow during the day.  I am  so drained I haven't got the energy to walk the four blocks, but I will be dropping in tomorrow rain or shine to view and read from the beginning to the end this time instead of the other way around!!!  Scott has also gone out of his comfort zone and is showing a new side of his creative side.  Which is not a bad thing to say the very least!

I also have the opportunity to go see the Arthur Holmes Blues Band this evening at the PNA ~ never been there, but AHBB rocks the house every time!!!  (Sadly I missed them last night after Third Thursday and a couple of times before) ~ so if I can jump start some energy in the next 40 minutes I may be headed out to dance, however, that seems slightly more like work than it should, and my t.v. and fan may win out in the long run!


  1. now you are a columnist as well as a blogger

  2. I live through your blogs. Great things that I won't have the chance to see. Keep up the good work. Love it.
