Friday, August 7, 2015


Hudson Sculpture in a shop window - photo Jennifer Gallant

I have been very busy getting all the loose ends wrapped up before my August Women's Work Show. I am forever multitasking and doing 100 things at once.  The panic sets in, and I find it is all just excited energy and I look at the end results and I feel good.

It always seems that the end of one month brings many things at the same time and this month was no exception - as July ended, we ended the month off with a great Cosmic Talk with Rick Costello, who finally got a date for his talk after his three month stint in the Colt Gallery.

It was a great turnout and a lot of  fun looking at Saturn and the Moon through the largest telescope I have ever looked through!

The fun wasn't over yet, we had our Hudson Landscape Art Discussion with Eileen Murphy and Dan Rupe two days later - less of a turnout but a great time, which Linda Morris Kelly did a great job of moderating!

I had the pleasure of picking Dan Rupe up in Hudson.  My Dad and I drove down to get him.  It was a lovely day and we got to see some of the sights while we killed time, returned Reggie Madison's Assemblage pieces, walked around, checking out the shop windows, Galleries and I even found the subject of a few of Dan's paintings.  We made it back with time to spare for the Talk and had a great time with Dan.  

After the Talk the July Show came down, and as always it was sad to see the empty walls of the Whit and such fine pieces going back to their homes.  Tom, Dad and I delivered Dan and his art home safely to Hudson and made our way back home.

I got Dad out of the house for a special event at the Whit, Jessica Roemischer performing on piano at the Whit with a Blues Themed evening promoting her book "In Duet with God, The Story of a lifelong Friendship" and off to the Mission Bar and Tapas following that to check out a band which had played at the Whit the evening before.

Saturday got bumped to Monday and that was a story all in itself.  The one good thing about me is that I am flexible, and even though I panic internally (and externally at times) I always know that things will work out in the end.

Sunday I was back at the Whit, this time for Andy Kelly and the Jazz.  It was good to finally make a performance and see a lot of familiar faces I have been missing!

Just when I thought I was crazy to have 12 Artists in one show, it all fell together with contact made with everyone and drop off times settled.  Monday was one busy day of Art!  I eagerly awaited Saturday to lay out and put up the Show.  Plans change and Saturday turned into Monday.

Tuesday I got to visit Anne and Walt Pasko at their home and studio.  It was interesting since they live at the top of the street where my Granparents lived and my Dad and his siblings grew up and where I spent many a day.

I had only been to the top of the street twice in my entire life, usually turning onto Goodell Road to check out the horses and the beautiful flower gardens.  It was a trip down memory lane to be sure.  The Pasko's are seasoned artists and picking out their work and getting the last of my September Show was a breeze.  I think it is going to be another great show!  I know I say that about all of them, but it is true!

On Wednesday, I showed up a day early for my Doctors appointment, which left me an opening to go put up the College Club Show.  It was pretty easy and I am happy with the way the room looks.  

Thursday I arrived at the Whit for what I thought was a meeting with Ghazi and an artist only to find out that there was no meeting.  Ghazi and Lisa Whitney surprised me, and was I surprised with a mani/pedi and a bottle of wine for all of my hard work.  

What a treat it was to get the Deluxe treatment!  Dan at Lucky Nails did not have an easy task in front of her.  I rarely get to the salon and my nails were a mess.  She did a marvelous job, and if you have never gotten a hot rock treatment I would highly recommend it.

My feet and legs have never been more relaxed!  I can't remember the last time I felt so good!  I have been trying not to spoil my paint so that I will have pretty nails for the Art Opening tonight.  Of course I am still trying to figure out what to wear....

With appointments for my Dad scheduled and my own appointments, as well as a studio visit for September Show scheduled, my week was busy!  Today is the big day - Friday!!!  Both rooms are up and only  12 more labels to go and an unexpected task of picking up some more Art from Mary's Carrot Cake.

September promo info has been written and sent with hours to spare to the Art Walk people, my album is up.  I learned today how easy it is to  manipulate the layout of the photos to make them more orderly.

I have been itching to write this week.  I have been on a roll trying to reach my goal of 500 posts on Glipo before it shuts down on August 14.  We have made a group on Facebook and many of our Glipho writers are finding their way.

Dad is out with his friend for a little while.  He is a funny man, he told someone he was staying at my house for the "week" he has been out of the hospital - I had to correct him and remind him he has been here three weeks - one more week as I have him penciled back to his house on the 14th.  Part of my week this week will be gentle reminders that he does have a home and remind him he is a big boy capable of taking care of himself.

I know he is going to miss living with Tom and I.  We have enjoyed having him here.  I am looking forward to a sleepover with my Granddaughter. I got a call from her during the week requesting we "Hang Out", which I was very happy to comply with, and having the time, I eagerly picked her up.

My son was home, his wife back to work, and feeding the baby.  I scooped up that little boy (no pinching to wake him up) and re introduced myself to him.  I plan on being a very familiar fact to him.  He was eating with no burp coming so I handed him back to his Daddy and kidnapped my granddaughter.

Dad, Ains and I decided to take a walk at the Lake.  Dad has been very stagnant, sitting in the chair reading a book a day, so he needed the exercise.  Ains said she just wanted to get her feet wet but she is half fish like I was at her age and since it was so humid I okayed her going swimming in her clothes.

We got back home and threw her clothes in the dryer, woke up Tom and had a great dinner of burgers - her favourite.  I was amazed when she ate two whole burgers!  That is the most I have ever seen her eat!  She knows how to make Gramma happy!

Tom got invited to Patricks house so we dropped him off before we dropped Ains off.  She had never been to Pat and Bruce's house.  She thinks my apartment is big - well she was amazed by all of the room at Bruce's house and that was just the first floor!

Dad just returned so now I have to get back on track.  Miles to go before 5 p.m. and it is already going on noon!  Have a great day and weekend and if you are in the area be sure to stop by the Whitney Center for the Arts on Wendall Ave as well as all of the other great locations to see Art this evening!

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