Thursday, November 21, 2013


Another day closer to Friday and my sleepover with my Granddaughter.  I want her to have wonderful memories to carry with her when she is older of our time together ~ even when we are not doing anything fun or special other than being together.

Although, I sometimes felt that I had to go to my grandparents on the weekends and school vacations while my mother worked to support my brother and myself and her with no help after my father left, I have bucketfuls of wonderful memories of both of my grandmothers, grandfathers, and even my great grandmother.

My Mother was the oldest of seven children and my grandparents all lived in the same town.  I spent a lot of time with  my Aunt and Uncles, who were close in age at the Lake between the store and the cottage.  It made me a countrified city girl.  My heart was always in the country however ~ but I do like many things about the city I grew up in now that I am an adult.

My other grandmother was one of thirteen children and I knew many of my great aunts and uncles much better than my actual Aunt and Uncles and Cousins who lived elsewhere.  Although, visits to their places were not uncommon ~ just irregular ~ as life takes you places as you grow up and away and time has a way of passing and soon you are the ones growing up and on with your life away.

I personally cherish the early years with my children.  (Not to say I don't enjoy my time with them now!)   Watching my oldest son grow from a baby into a little man and helping to shape his self ~ seeing him with his brother and shaping him and then the two of them  helping shape my youngest son.

We grew up together ~ the three of us.  It is funny as I get older and they get older how the roles reverse and they try to "parent" me.  I must say ~ it is interesting seeing life through their eyes and laughing at their principles at times and delighted they have them.  They are very good boys and I am glad they are my boys.

The love, support and encouragement is what I hoped to instill in their little lives and which I know they pass on to others.  I see it and smile, knowing that I did have something to do ~ and am proud to have been a part of and continue to be a part of for a long long time!

As a parent I always hoping that the good memories far out shadow any negative experiences that life inevitably puts into our paths no matter what.  I tried to raise my children in reality so that when the real world hit them it wouldn't be so bad.

I also encouraged communication so they would always have a safe place regardless ~ to talk and express their feelings so that they would  know how.  Not everyone gets that.  I remember growing up and wishing I had someone I could share certain experiences with.  Not really a good thing as far as I recall.

The laughter and love and preservation of childhood is very important and hence ~ it is my supreme duty to do so.  I don't have much experience in this grandma thing.  Knowing my sons ~ she is the only one I am likely to get.

I do know how to create awesome memories.  So does my lovely grand daughter as today in the mail was a postcard of a picture she did for Thanksgiving of turkeys.  It was very nice and I loved how it came this afternoon as I was waiting to phone her to confirm our plans.

I had just finished up my room and was preparing to phone before I cooked a late dinner when the phone rang and it was my granddaughter!  It is like I am six years old again!  I even have another date to babysit while they go to a work Christmas party!!

I am one of those weird parents who loved and still do love spending time with my kids.  They were very busy little individuals throughout the years and then again so was I so all of our time together their entire lives was quality time.  I am sure at times it annoyed them ~ but that was the breaks of the game!

I did adopt the philosophy ~ the best one ever of not worrying about the dishes and hanging out instead (although I usually still did the dishes) ~ opting to take a ride anywhere at the drop of a hat and ending up anywhere on the Mountain ~ to the beach ~ in the woods, the Aquarium ~ home telling stories by candlelight when the power went out with the fire keeping us warm in the wood stove...

It was difficult being a single parent ~ I can relate with my mother and understand the necessity and respect and appreciate it, as I hope my young men remember and understand when they look back over the years.  I hope they look back at every stage of their lives and smile at many memories at a time.

I know ~ by the excitement in my granddaughters voice when we spoke that we both are creating wonderful memories for each other!  I am honoured, blessed and so happy to be loved as only a granddaughter can love her grandma!

I am so blessed by all of my grandma's ~ I have huge shoes to fill!  I know I am up for the task!

1 comment:

  1. I wish you could have known your Gt. Grandma Rose's brothers and sisters. They were a terrific bunch of crazies. I loved living at the Lake and being able to go to the cottage and be with her and your Gt. Grandfather. Your Grandmother, Joan was one of the best. She was so easy to love. Great memories with all of them.
